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Henk Bril | profile | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> Star Atlases and Celestial Maps before 1900 (updated 2024) >> Bode 1801 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Johann Bayer - Uranometria | Fortin 1776 (updated 2024) | Flamsteed 1781 | Bode 1782 | Fortin 1795 | Goldbach 1799/1803 (updated 2024) | Bode 1801 | Ciera/Villas-Boas 1804 | Bode 1805 | Jamieson 1822 | Jamieson 1824 | Archer 1833-1834 | Hoffmann 1835 (updated 2024) | S.D.U.K. 1851 (new 2024)

Bode 1801

One of the most beautiful Celestial atlases is Johann Elert Bode's masterpiece "Uranographia".
The atlas is nowadays alsmost "unobtainable" and single maps are very expensive, but we are lucky as the great French popularizor and astronomer Camille Flammarion added smaller prints in one of his most beautiful books: "Les étoiles et les curiosités du ciel".
The Dutch translation was called "Het Rijk der Sterren" and had them on a larger scale. These are from the third printing of 1907.
Het Rijk der Sterren - front
Het Rijk der Sterren - front
Het Rijk der Sterren - spine
Het Rijk der Sterren - spine
Het Rijk der Sterren - title page
Het Rijk der Sterren - title page
Het Rijk der Sterren - Observer at the observatory of Alexandria
Het Rijk der Sterren - Observer at the observatory of Alexandria
Map 01 and 02 - (Flammarion 19 and 20)
Map 01 and 02 - (Flammarion 19 and 20)
Map 01 - (Flammarion 19)
Map 01 - (Flammarion 19)
Map 02 - (Flammarion 20)
Map 02 - (Flammarion 20)
Map 03 - (Flammarion 01)
Map 03 - (Flammarion 01)
Map 04 - (Flammarion 02)
Map 04 - (Flammarion 02)
Map 05 - (Flammarion 05)
Map 05 - (Flammarion 05)
Map 06 - (Flammarion 03)
Map 06 - (Flammarion 03)
Map 07 - (Flammarion 04)
Map 07 - (Flammarion 04)
Map 08 - (Flammarion 07)
Map 08 - (Flammarion 07)
Map 09 - (Flammarion 08)
Map 09 - (Flammarion 08)
Map 10 - (Flammarion 06)
Map 10 - (Flammarion 06)
Map 11 - (Flammarion 09)
Map 11 - (Flammarion 09)
Map 12 - (Flammarion 10)
Map 12 - (Flammarion 10)
Map 13 - (Flammarion 11)
Map 13 - (Flammarion 11)
Map 14 - (Flammarion 12)
Map 14 - (Flammarion 12)
Map 15 - (Flammarion 13)
Map 15 - (Flammarion 13)
Map 16 - (Flammarion 14)
Map 16 - (Flammarion 14)
Map 17 - (Flammarion 15)
Map 17 - (Flammarion 15)
Map 18 - (Flammarion 16)
Map 18 - (Flammarion 16)
Map 19 - (Flammarion 17)
Map 19 - (Flammarion 17)
Map 20 - (Flammarion 18)
Map 20 - (Flammarion 18)