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Henk Bril | profile | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> Star Atlases and Celestial Maps before 1900 (updated 2024) >> Flamsteed 1781 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Flamsteed 1781

The Atlas Coelestis is a star atlas published posthumously in 1729, based on observations made by the First Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed.
The Atlas - the largest that ever had been published (so far) and the first comprehensive telescopic star catalogue and companion celestial atlas – contains 26 maps of the major constellations visible from Greenwich, with drawings made in the Rococo style by James Thornhill.
It also presents two planispheres designed by Abraham Sharp.

I own five maps of the 1781 edition.
Plate 9 - Aquarius
Plate 9 - Aquarius
Plate 9 - Aquarius (detail)
Plate 9 - Aquarius (detail)
Plate 9 - Cetus (detail)
Plate 9 - Cetus (detail)
Plate 15 - Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Ursa Minor, Draco
Plate 15 - Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Ursa Minor, Draco
Plate 15 - Polus Arcticus & Polaris (detail)
Plate 15 - Polus Arcticus & Polaris (detail)
Plate 15 - Polus Eclipticus (detail)
Plate 15 - Polus Eclipticus (detail)
Plate 15 - Draco (detail)
Plate 15 - Draco (detail)
Plate 17 - Camelopardal & Auriga
Plate 17 - Camelopardal & Auriga
Plate 17 - Auriga (detail)
Plate 17 - Auriga (detail)
Plate 17 - Gemini (detail)
Plate 17 - Gemini (detail)
Plate 19 - Ursa Major
Plate 19 - Ursa Major
Plate 19 - Ursa Major (detail)
Plate 19 - Ursa Major (detail)
Plate 19 - Ursa Major & Canes Venatici (detail)
Plate 19 - Ursa Major & Canes Venatici (detail)
Plate 22 - Ophiuchus & Serpens
Plate 22 - Ophiuchus & Serpens
Plate 22 - Ophiuchus & Hercules (detail)
Plate 22 - Ophiuchus & Hercules (detail)
Plate 22 - Scorpio (detail)
Plate 22 - Scorpio (detail)
Ursa Major - sizes Flamsteed vs Fortin
Ursa Major - sizes Flamsteed vs Fortin
Ophiuchus - sizes Flamsteed vs Fortin vs Bode - Ophiuchus
Ophiuchus - sizes Flamsteed vs Fortin vs Bode - Ophiuchus