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S.D.U.K. 1851 (new 2024)

The Stars in Six Maps The Stars in Six Maps on the Gnomonic Projections
Revised by the Rev. W. R. Dawes.
Under the superintendence of the Society For the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
London: Charles Knight, 90, Fleet Street. 1851 (however, the maps have a date stamp of January 1, 1852.)
Map 1
Map 1
Map 1 - M31, the Andromeda Nebula
Map 1 - M31, the Andromeda Nebula
Map 1 - Mira, omicron Ceti (variable star)
Map 1 - Mira, omicron Ceti (variable star)
Map 2
Map 2
Map 2 - Pleiades and Hyades (star clusters)
Map 2 - Pleiades and Hyades (star clusters)
Map 2 - M42, Orion Nebula
Map 2 - M42, Orion Nebula
Map 2 - M44, Praesepe, the Beehive (star cluster)
Map 2 - M44, Praesepe, the Beehive (star cluster)
Map 3
Map 3
Map 3 - R Hydra (variable star)
Map 3 - R Hydra (variable star)
Map 4
Map 4
Map 4 - beta Lyrae (variable star)
Map 4 - beta Lyrae (variable star)
Map 4 - Ras Algethi, alpha Herculis (variable star)
Map 4 - Ras Algethi, alpha Herculis (variable star)
Map 4 - eta Aquilae and R Scuti (variable stars)
Map 4 - eta Aquilae and R Scuti (variable stars)
Map 4 - NGC 6124 en NGC 6231 (star clusters)
Map 4 - NGC 6124 en NGC 6231 (star clusters)
Map 5
Map 5
Map - 5 - Algol, beta Persei (variable star)
Map - 5 - Algol, beta Persei (variable star)
Map 5 - Comet 109/P Swift-Tuttle
Map 5 - Comet 109/P Swift-Tuttle
Map 6
Map 6
Map 6 - LMC and SMC, the Magellanic Clouds
Map 6 - LMC and SMC, the Magellanic Clouds
Map 6 - eta Carinae
Map 6 - eta Carinae