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Henk Bril | profile | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> Star Atlases and Celestial Maps before 1900 (updated 2024) >> Goldbach 1799/1803 (updated 2024) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Johann Bayer - Uranometria | Fortin 1776 (updated 2024) | Flamsteed 1781 | Bode 1782 | Fortin 1795 | Goldbach 1799/1803 (updated 2024) | Bode 1801 | Ciera/Villas-Boas 1804 | Bode 1805 | Jamieson 1822 | Jamieson 1824 | Archer 1833-1834 | Hoffmann 1835 (updated 2024) | S.D.U.K. 1851 (new 2024)

Goldbach 1799/1803 (updated 2024)

I am the happy owner of several copper gravures with constellations from 1799. These maps are from the atlas of Christian Friedrich Goldbach (1763-1811) "Neuester Himmels-Atlas".
This atlas had an unchanged reprint in 1803; map 9 and 14 are actually of this edition. Of the others I can't tell for sure.

There are three aspects that make these maps interesting:
1. The maps show white stars on a black background.
2. The method of printing, the copper plates were printed in relief (with the ink on the surface), the other atlases are printed in intaglio
(with the ink down in the engraved lines and the surface wiped clean).
3. The atlas not only has the maps shown with the constellations drawn on it, but also without.

I have added to the original plates (left side) also an inverted image (right side), in order to make the images easier to study.
This immediately shows how difficult this printing technique must have been, because the outlines are not so well defined and crisp compared to the atlases of Fortin, Ciera/Villas-Boas and Bode.


In 2013 Albireo-Verlag issued a beautiful facsimile of this Atlas!
9 Schlangenträger und Schlange
9 Schlangenträger und Schlange
14 - Stier
14 - Stier
14 - Stier - Uranus
14 - Stier - Uranus
16 Krebs
16 Krebs
16 Krebs (stars only)
16 Krebs (stars only)
18 Jungfrau
18 Jungfrau
18 Jungfrau (stars only)
18 Jungfrau (stars only)
22 Fische
22 Fische
22 Fische (stars only)
22 Fische (stars only)