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Henk Bril | profile | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> Star Atlases and Celestial Maps before 1900 (updated 2024) >> Johann Bayer - Uranometria tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Johann Bayer - Uranometria | Fortin 1776 (updated 2024) | Flamsteed 1781 | Bode 1782 | Fortin 1795 | Goldbach 1799/1803 (updated 2024) | Bode 1801 | Ciera/Villas-Boas 1804 | Bode 1805 | Jamieson 1822 | Jamieson 1824 | Archer 1833-1834 | Hoffmann 1835 (updated 2024) | S.D.U.K. 1851 (new 2024)

Johann Bayer - Uranometria

Some plates of the famous Uranometria Atlas (two editions 1624/1639/1641/1648/1655/1661/1666/1689? (light blue background) & 1661 (dark blue background)) by Johann Bayer I acquired in 2014 and 2016.
First published in Augsburg, Germany, in 1603 by Christoph Mang (Christophorus Mangus) as "Uranometria: omnium asterismorum continens schemata, nova methodo delineata, aereis laminis expressa".
It was the first atlas to cover the entire celestial sphere.
B - Vrsa Maior
B - Vrsa Maior
E - Bootes
E - Bootes
F - Corona
F - Corona
G - Hercvles
G - Hercvles
M - Avriga
M - Avriga
N - Serpentarivs
N - Serpentarivs
O - Serpens
O - Serpens
P - Sagitta
P - Sagitta
Q - Aqvila
Q - Aqvila
V - Andromeda
V - Andromeda
Mm - Eridanvs
Mm - Eridanvs
Nn - Lepvs
Nn - Lepvs
Qq - Navis
Qq - Navis
Oo - Canis Maior
Oo - Canis Maior
Pp - Canis Minor
Pp - Canis Minor
Tt - Corvvs
Tt - Corvvs
Vu - Hydra
Vu - Hydra
Yy - Corona Meridionalis
Yy - Corona Meridionalis