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Guenter Eh | profile | all galleries >> PORTFOLIOS >> PARIS PHOTO 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Black and White | Color | Art and People | Lost Identity | Beyond Reality | Black Paris | La petite île | IRON FACES_2007 | Finding the rainbow | One World | Visions of Art | Frankfurt International Book Fair 2007 | PARIS PHOTO 2007 | THE HIDDEN AND UNFAMILIAR | LIFE IS A PLAYGROUND | HOME SWEET HOME | WAITING - AN ESSAY | REFLECTION OF THE SELF | COLD SWEAT | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2008 | IRON FACES_2008 | PARIS PHOTO 2008 | 2009 CRISIS...WHAT CRISIS ? | One World II | Rent Collection Courtyard | Traces of spring in fall | Color is in the eye of the beholder... | 2010 - CRISIS...WHAT CRISIS ? II | hotel | Parade of the Cultures , Frankfurt 2010 | One World III | PARIS PHOTO 2010 | Music | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART | One world IV | PARIS PHOTO 2011 | ART COLOGNE 2012 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2012 | PARIS PHOTO 2012 | RX 1 | bathroom | Bollywood Dance Impressions | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART II | ART COLOGNE 2013 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" II | Ruhr Metropolis | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" III | PARIS PHOTO 2013 | sisters | Timeless beauties | ART COLOGNE 2014 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" IV | Parade of the Cultures. Frankfurt 2014 | HAMBURG | PARIS PHOTO 2014 | ART COLOGNE 2015 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" V. | Leica Wetzlar Germany | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART III | Leica Digilux 2 | Monochrome portraits I | Monochrome portraits II | ART COLOGNE 2016 | Potsdam / Berlin 2016 | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2016 | IRONWORKS MEETS BUDDHISM | ART KARLSRUHE 2017 | IRON WORKS MEETS URBAN ART IV | ART COLOGNE 2017 | "Magic Cty" Streetart meets Peter Lindbergh`s "From Fashion To Reality" | Little italian moments ... | ALMOST ALIVE | ART KARLSRUHE 2018 | ART KARLSRUHE 2019 | art_cologne_2018_2019 | PARIS STREET ART | ART KARLSRUHE 2020 | Brick Works | OBJECTS and SUBJECTS | DISCORY ART FAIR, Frankfurt 2021 | PARIS PHOTO 2021 | 100 Years VOGUE PARIS (1920-2020) | runway b


November - that`s "le mois de la photo" in Paris every year.
Here are my impressions from a short trip to Paris.
Even the time was very limited - I enjoyed the moments and the visits of the exhibitions very much.
And I`d like to share these beautiful moments with all of you.
Enjoy! :)

This gallery is dedicated to my friends from Singapore - Rosmini and Melvin...and of course L.M.S. Ai Li ;)
Thanks for all your kindness and the wonderful and unforgettable moments we spent together in your exciting hometown.
Hopefully we get the chance to see each other again soon! ;)

g1/26/601226/3/105926244.0yVntW08.jpg g1/26/601226/3/105954599.BYVTZa9Y.jpg g5/26/601226/3/105957879.kn4vqVc3.jpg g1/26/601226/3/105957880.6Y5cRaii.jpg tension about a new deal...
g1/26/601226/3/105980455.PGcFXeJY.jpg Décadence stages of  life expressions ...and what`s your bad habit ? ;)
student of anatomy frozen tears g1/26/601226/3/106046297.dO9ynUOx.jpg Ooops...spotted twice ;) blue windows
a glance in a rush... this is the proof... X-ray of a mummy ;) Vive la France! Hiroshima, mon amour...
cocooning tired of listening... Connectedness without limits of time and ages bondage and orchids Love is: a little neck massage...
g1/26/601226/3/106109880.I57EgjP4.jpg the artist`s  hand welcome to the future! children`s  expressions... hypnotized
you can leave your hat on... ;) smiling while dreaming... out of balance mental tattoo torera
x-mas surprise ;) please don`t dog me... open minded hidden games... fotos !
art students recognition First Lady the grain of life the indictment
close encounter shapes and visions symbiosis located in  the dead middle  ;) Kinbaku - an erotically  embrace
bewildered... Underwater faces of life and death g1/26/601226/3/106191340.x38sRa97.jpg the kite
out of frame you have  to move to get out of the box... ;) A (lady) viewer with style ;) searching for the right  point of view g1/26/601226/3/106220774.kr8sRDiB.jpg
purple orchid dairy land Sorry Albert...! ;) black and yellow dots g1/26/601226/3/106231989.bRT96u85.jpg
g1/26/601226/3/106261166.6H2TYuyN.jpg g1/26/601226/3/106263816.keqqSp9I.jpg g1/26/601226/3/106265982.z0dPs6We.jpg elongation The Woman Is the Future of the Man  (Louis Aragon)
women`s talk timeless dialogue body guard body puzzle ;) g1/26/601226/3/106315888.yv8q2AVN.jpg
He got the blues... :( women and fashion ...statement ? floating g1/26/601226/3/106348945.gYqBrkki.jpg
manga dreaming protecting hands... coffee break lost connection a touch of sunshine in cold and grey november... ;)  THE END