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Black and White | Color | Art and People | Lost Identity | Beyond Reality | Black Paris | La petite île | IRON FACES_2007 | Finding the rainbow | One World | Visions of Art | Frankfurt International Book Fair 2007 | PARIS PHOTO 2007 | THE HIDDEN AND UNFAMILIAR | LIFE IS A PLAYGROUND | HOME SWEET HOME | WAITING - AN ESSAY | REFLECTION OF THE SELF | COLD SWEAT | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2008 | IRON FACES_2008 | PARIS PHOTO 2008 | 2009 CRISIS...WHAT CRISIS ? | One World II | Rent Collection Courtyard | Traces of spring in fall | Color is in the eye of the beholder... | 2010 - CRISIS...WHAT CRISIS ? II | hotel | Parade of the Cultures , Frankfurt 2010 | One World III | PARIS PHOTO 2010 | Music | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART | One world IV | PARIS PHOTO 2011 | ART COLOGNE 2012 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2012 | PARIS PHOTO 2012 | RX 1 | bathroom | Bollywood Dance Impressions | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART II | ART COLOGNE 2013 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" II | Ruhr Metropolis | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" III | PARIS PHOTO 2013 | sisters | Timeless beauties | ART COLOGNE 2014 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" IV | Parade of the Cultures. Frankfurt 2014 | HAMBURG | PARIS PHOTO 2014 | ART COLOGNE 2015 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" V. | Leica Wetzlar Germany | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART III | Leica Digilux 2 | Monochrome portraits I | Monochrome portraits II | ART COLOGNE 2016 | Potsdam / Berlin 2016 | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2016 | IRONWORKS MEETS BUDDHISM | ART KARLSRUHE 2017 | IRON WORKS MEETS URBAN ART IV | ART COLOGNE 2017 | "Magic Cty" Streetart meets Peter Lindbergh`s "From Fashion To Reality" | Little italian moments ... | ALMOST ALIVE | ART KARLSRUHE 2018 | ART KARLSRUHE 2019 | art_cologne_2018_2019 | PARIS STREET ART | ART KARLSRUHE 2020 | Brick Works | OBJECTS and SUBJECTS | DISCORY ART FAIR, Frankfurt 2021 | PARIS PHOTO 2021 | 100 Years VOGUE PARIS (1920-2020) | runway b

Beyond Reality

Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf, 1927

g6/26/601226/3/77818451.F8Jwuezo.jpg the wall balance different kind of thoughts
despair, love and happiness openess in a closed city the tunnel of unconsciousness the jump into the uncertainty
shape of the light and the shade lisboan nights The drama behind icons... Life is always a fight...
the try to escape... self-defense what`s wrong with kitsch? the practice to kill
contemplation the fantasy of a child imagination transformation of time and thoughts
urban visions the preparation Sy Li Connection séduction mortelle
statement the fight against forbidden fruits intersection of reality and unreality les fenêtres des attentes
compassion emotional blindness scream in the brain the time of enchantment
the burden and the grace of aging transformation id - ego - super ego the drama
colors of passion *** risque de rêve fire dance
blue vision inner-city reality private The future belongs to her...
talking hands... variations in blue a moment frozen in time contemporary blues
underwater scream the magical eye The world doesn`t  belong to me... colors of compassion
There`s no way back to the past - only a glance the spirit of the roots the art and the pleasure of sushi the wall
inspiration oriental dream (beyond reality) water THE END