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Guenter Eh | profile | all galleries >> PORTFOLIOS >> La petite île tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Black and White | Color | Art and People | Lost Identity | Beyond Reality | Black Paris | La petite île | IRON FACES_2007 | Finding the rainbow | One World | Visions of Art | Frankfurt International Book Fair 2007 | PARIS PHOTO 2007 | THE HIDDEN AND UNFAMILIAR | LIFE IS A PLAYGROUND | HOME SWEET HOME | WAITING - AN ESSAY | REFLECTION OF THE SELF | COLD SWEAT | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2008 | IRON FACES_2008 | PARIS PHOTO 2008 | 2009 CRISIS...WHAT CRISIS ? | One World II | Rent Collection Courtyard | Traces of spring in fall | Color is in the eye of the beholder... | 2010 - CRISIS...WHAT CRISIS ? II | hotel | Parade of the Cultures , Frankfurt 2010 | One World III | PARIS PHOTO 2010 | Music | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART | One world IV | PARIS PHOTO 2011 | ART COLOGNE 2012 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2012 | PARIS PHOTO 2012 | RX 1 | bathroom | Bollywood Dance Impressions | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART II | ART COLOGNE 2013 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" II | Ruhr Metropolis | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" III | PARIS PHOTO 2013 | sisters | Timeless beauties | ART COLOGNE 2014 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" IV | Parade of the Cultures. Frankfurt 2014 | HAMBURG | PARIS PHOTO 2014 | ART COLOGNE 2015 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" V. | Leica Wetzlar Germany | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART III | Leica Digilux 2 | Monochrome portraits I | Monochrome portraits II | ART COLOGNE 2016 | Potsdam / Berlin 2016 | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2016 | IRONWORKS MEETS BUDDHISM | ART KARLSRUHE 2017 | IRON WORKS MEETS URBAN ART IV | ART COLOGNE 2017 | "Magic Cty" Streetart meets Peter Lindbergh`s "From Fashion To Reality" | Little italian moments ... | ALMOST ALIVE | ART KARLSRUHE 2018 | ART KARLSRUHE 2019 | art_cologne_2018_2019 | PARIS STREET ART | ART KARLSRUHE 2020 | Brick Works | OBJECTS and SUBJECTS | DISCORY ART FAIR, Frankfurt 2021 | PARIS PHOTO 2021 | 100 Years VOGUE PARIS (1920-2020) | runway b

La petite île

In the last 11 years I have visited this small french island situated in the atlantic ocean: L'île de Ré.

This gallery contains some impressions of this enchanting little island from my annual trips 2006-2019.

J'aime l'île de Ré!*


vineyards and  poppies No - he`s not dead - only drunk! ma bicyclette kitesurfing
my fav rosé twins and a single fleamarket treasures ...coming home
oysters on sale poppies inferno playing with mud harbour reflections
sign the sky above Ile de Ré 1939 kitesurfing
Les marais salants wildflowers and fountain eagle at  landing red head  & white cat
cinema he is speaking french! le couvreur blue angel
*** Peugeot 203 Le Phare de Ré beach fun
camera man Another camera man dance with the waves g6/26/601226/3/79296458.ZWmr9m9Z.jpg
There`s the man who has stolen my frites! a man and his weapons *** my little french fries girl again
*** umbrellas and glasses tat and wire All is pop
*** *** Why did he cut my forehead ? the lovers
the lovers - 2nd try the lovers - 3rd try *** ***
Solex repair *** kite surfer sculpture
small talk at the market beach fun surf school beach fun_2
the bike guard and the cheeky boy my best french friend for 5 days... 4 steering wheel drive sailing - even in the WC
wind swept red poppies nature as a painter ears, clouds and an atlantic sea breeze a blue dream for sale
2 out of a gang of 5 Appeals may be so charming! potatoes and roses La Flotte harbour view
Relaxing in the optimal position..try it, it works! Did you know that my nickname is LEWIS ? ;-) father and son plastic fantastic
*** harbour impression at  Loix en Ré Café  4BIS at St. Martin en Ré, my connection to the cyber space... 2/3 Pinot  Grigio, 1/3 Creme de Peche
breaking the line... *** can I have some more milk please... Peugeot 203
A lady without arms, a boy with a big apple and his bodyguard storefront society *** Posting of a hairdresser
Café 4BIS wall deco flowers in front of a fromagerie bikes in the dunes not used since a long time
*** *** 3 Fruits Rouges Vanille bbq-ed vegetables (homemade)
art de rue - Ile de Ré style *** outside looking in (Peugeot 203) dolphin, horse and swan
sunset surfin` Flaming hair... Glacier Fabricant Brownie
Old school explosion... Life`s a movie... No sugar No foto...Paparazzi! tongue and feet...(almost)  in harmony ;-)
*** (self) reflection... ;-) Cooking is a real challenge... Our home for 7 days in june 2011
Bonin foto exhibition at La Flotte In memory of the fallen soldiers of WWII Sphinx, our daily guest in the evening Essentials...
Gypsy band at La Flotte en Rè A penny for his thoughts... ;-) Rose trémière...island`s queen Perfect weather conditions for biking... ;-)
In focus...and vice versa *** Ice cream lovers... ;-) I count 7 ...
Tour de France veterans... ;-) the new generation... White horses... Unity
Waiting for the pasta... Islander Wallflower L'âne triste...
Pasta is dente! The bow... *** Figs
La Flotte en Ré / market la vie en rose... crime thriller... For my little friends outside... ;-)
*** *** *** ***
Surf school Surf school II *** ***
Sphinx! - a reunion after 2 years, what a surprise! :-) Beach No Name Couples
Summer La Baigneuse g12/26/601226/3/169407149.Cc7byZaM.jpg g12/26/601226/3/169407355.zhAjGRTk.jpg
g12/26/601226/3/169407357.yeTP8Jd8.jpg g12/26/601226/3/169407358.sBmTqm22.jpg g12/26/601226/3/169412001.30m4Vnkr.jpg g12/26/601226/3/169412164.U9YTOK55.jpg