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Guenter Eh | profile | all galleries >> PORTFOLIOS >> 2009 CRISIS...WHAT CRISIS ? tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Black and White | Color | Art and People | Lost Identity | Beyond Reality | Black Paris | La petite île | IRON FACES_2007 | Finding the rainbow | One World | Visions of Art | Frankfurt International Book Fair 2007 | PARIS PHOTO 2007 | THE HIDDEN AND UNFAMILIAR | LIFE IS A PLAYGROUND | HOME SWEET HOME | WAITING - AN ESSAY | REFLECTION OF THE SELF | COLD SWEAT | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2008 | IRON FACES_2008 | PARIS PHOTO 2008 | 2009 CRISIS...WHAT CRISIS ? | One World II | Rent Collection Courtyard | Traces of spring in fall | Color is in the eye of the beholder... | 2010 - CRISIS...WHAT CRISIS ? II | hotel | Parade of the Cultures , Frankfurt 2010 | One World III | PARIS PHOTO 2010 | Music | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART | One world IV | PARIS PHOTO 2011 | ART COLOGNE 2012 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2012 | PARIS PHOTO 2012 | RX 1 | bathroom | Bollywood Dance Impressions | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART II | ART COLOGNE 2013 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" II | Ruhr Metropolis | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" III | PARIS PHOTO 2013 | sisters | Timeless beauties | ART COLOGNE 2014 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" IV | Parade of the Cultures. Frankfurt 2014 | HAMBURG | PARIS PHOTO 2014 | ART COLOGNE 2015 | "Berlin is poor, but sexy" V. | Leica Wetzlar Germany | IRONWORKS MEETS URBAN ART III | Leica Digilux 2 | Monochrome portraits I | Monochrome portraits II | ART COLOGNE 2016 | Potsdam / Berlin 2016 | Parade of the Cultures, Frankfurt 2016 | IRONWORKS MEETS BUDDHISM | ART KARLSRUHE 2017 | IRON WORKS MEETS URBAN ART IV | ART COLOGNE 2017 | "Magic Cty" Streetart meets Peter Lindbergh`s "From Fashion To Reality" | Little italian moments ... | ALMOST ALIVE | ART KARLSRUHE 2018 | ART KARLSRUHE 2019 | art_cologne_2018_2019 | PARIS STREET ART | ART KARLSRUHE 2020 | Brick Works | OBJECTS and SUBJECTS | DISCORY ART FAIR, Frankfurt 2021 | PARIS PHOTO 2021 | 100 Years VOGUE PARIS (1920-2020) | runway b


Impressions from the Multicultural Carnival Parade 31May2009, Berlin/Germany

g1/26/601226/3/113466237.JlVPwpHj.jpg g1/26/601226/3/113469420.ISlRIkjL.jpg g1/26/601226/3/113470514.YQMvxL6U.jpg Samba do Berlin
g1/26/601226/3/113530774.xPpMfPLP.jpg g1/26/601226/3/113532967.MHqnvvzh.jpg I got him and he got me... ;) g3/26/601226/3/113534336.mbV4Rpqg.jpg
g1/26/601226/3/113560913.OnXKIsKR.jpg No one has the right to abuse me! mongolian girl latin temper
g1/26/601226/3/113723938.ogXUjtjG.jpg g3/26/601226/3/113753391.R08NBlbv.jpg could be a smile...I`m not sure though ;-) devilish hairdo ;-)
the attempt to catch the this young swedish face g1/26/601226/3/113826672.NH2wJRRX.jpg g1/26/601226/3/113827474.2uXxqTOU.jpg Sound is too heavy for dad...good to have a little helper ;)
the frog king ...dedicated to my carioca friends ;) g1/26/601226/3/113881563.sNxKxCp6.jpg g1/26/601226/3/113917920.q6BGFqHw.jpg
g1/26/601226/3/113926546.oKSyJsUq.jpg g3/26/601226/3/113926671.5XV5EfuJ.jpg g3/26/601226/3/113927667.YSq9FqJj.jpg queen for a day...
g1/26/601226/3/113965841.kWmxJgDr.jpg g1/26/601226/3/113967636.ByZlMqZ5.jpg g1/26/601226/3/113969056.OIWahw0E.jpg young gypsy queens
young rebel ...helps to keep a cool head ;) friendly support... Lost in the city...
g1/26/601226/3/114093518.s4vCMvvM.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114137403.fuZGYDOh.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114153328.aoX5DMog.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114176403.HDsCPwVi.jpg
g1/26/601226/3/114180800.mnnzjpX7.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114181051.lBHsoax1.jpg g3/26/601226/3/114181131.G7JNKg2n.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114181200.27AZlkTJ.jpg
g3/26/601226/3/114181714.Nxe1kGWU.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114182129.3U18i5bR.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114183396.JyXu4hUA.jpg g3/26/601226/3/114191556.FGNVmWb0.jpg
peruvian smile... :) g1/26/601226/3/114195420.pMb0yNOm.jpg g3/26/601226/3/114258552.BYSCJZaW.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114258832.rf4dR7g9.jpg
Crisis!  What crisis? ...we simply transform shopping bags into dresses! ;) g1/26/601226/3/114271279.wO2wFKak.jpg g3/26/601226/3/114285223.PYUqni68.jpg Edelweiss  (noble and white)
little mongolian princess g1/26/601226/3/114300072.4VpryZA8.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114303407.GnCMWXTa.jpg blue (sweet) heart
g1/26/601226/3/114334953.yEcQfZSx.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114335986.byslK92E.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114336740.CpoRAV40.jpg g1/26/601226/3/114338103.pttBsSqF.jpg
a touch of blue(s)...