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Swifts and Treeswifts

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Swifts are aerial insect-feeders that spend the greater part of their lives in the air. So common at any one place by day, it is often a puzzle where they spend the nights. Being masters of the air, true swifts have very weak legs, and never perch like swallows on wires, branches, or rooftops, but cling to vertical surfaces. Mainly blackish birds, they have curved, sickle-shaped wings, and fly with alternating wing-beats and tilting glides, never closing the wings like the superficially similar swallows. (Derek Holmes & Stephen Nash, The Birds of Sumatra and Kalimantan, 1990)

These swifts unlike the true swifts are not colonial, perch and nest in trees, and instead of chasing insects on the wing all day, they behave like flycatchers, darting out at intervals from their perch. When perched, the long crossed wing-tips are distinctive. (Smythies, The Birds of Borneo, 1999)

Photographed Species

Scientific Name

Common Name

(Aerodramus fuciphagus) Edible-nest SwiftletImage
(Aerodramus maximus) Black-nest SwiftletImage
(Aerodramus vanikorensis) Uniform SwiftletImage
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus) House Swift Image
(Apus pacificus) Pacific SwiftImage
(Collocalia affinis) Plume-toed SwiftletImage
(Hirundapus giganteus giganteus) Brown NeedletailImage
(Raphidura leucopygialis) Silver-rumped Spinetail Image

(Hemiprocne comata) Whiskered TreeswiftMaleFemale
(Hemiprocne longipennis) Grey-rumped TreeswiftMaleFemale

(Aerodramus fuciphagus)Edible-nest Swiftlet
(Aerodramus fuciphagus)
Edible-nest Swiftlet
(Aerodramus fuciphagus)Edible-nest Swiftlet
(Aerodramus fuciphagus)
Edible-nest Swiftlet
(Aerodramus  maximus)  Black-nest Swiftlet
(Aerodramus maximus)
Black-nest Swiftlet
(Aerodramus vanikorensis)Uniform Swiftlet
(Aerodramus vanikorensis)
Uniform Swiftlet
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus) House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus)
House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus) House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus)
House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus) House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus)
House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus) House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus)
House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus) House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus)
House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus) House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus)
House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus) House Swift
(Apus nipalensis subfurcatus)
House Swift
(Apus pacificus) Pacific Swift
(Apus pacificus)
Pacific Swift
(Collocalia affinis) Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Collocalia affinis)
Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Collocalia affinis) Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Collocalia affinis)
Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Collocalia affinis) Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Collocalia affinis)
Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Collocalia affinis) Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Collocalia affinis)
Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Collocalia affinis) Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Collocalia affinis)
Plume-toed Swiftlet
(Hirundapus giganteus giganteus) Brown-backed Needletail
(Hirundapus giganteus giganteus) Brown-backed Needletail
(Hirundapus giganteus giganteus) Brown-backed Needletail
(Hirundapus giganteus giganteus) Brown-backed Needletail
(Raphidura leucopygialis)Silver-rumped Spinetail
(Raphidura leucopygialis)
Silver-rumped Spinetail
(Raphidura leucopygialis)Silver-rumped Spinetail
(Raphidura leucopygialis)
Silver-rumped Spinetail
(Raphidura leucopygialis)Silver-rumped Spinetail
(Raphidura leucopygialis)
Silver-rumped Spinetail
(Raphidura leucopygialis)Silver-rumped Spinetail
(Raphidura leucopygialis)
Silver-rumped Spinetail
(Hemiprocne comata)Whiskered Treeswift ♂
(Hemiprocne comata)
Whiskered Treeswift ♂
(Hemiprocne comata)Whiskered Treeswift ♂
(Hemiprocne comata)
Whiskered Treeswift ♂
(Hemiprocne comata)Whiskered Treeswift ♂
(Hemiprocne comata)
Whiskered Treeswift ♂
(Hemiprocne comata)Whiskered Treeswift ♀
(Hemiprocne comata)
Whiskered Treeswift ♀
(Hemiprocne comata)Whiskered Treeswift ♀
(Hemiprocne comata)
Whiskered Treeswift ♀
(Hemiprocne comata)Whiskered Treeswift ♂
(Hemiprocne comata)
Whiskered Treeswift ♂
(Hemiprocne longipennis)Grey-rumped Treeswift ♀
(Hemiprocne longipennis)
Grey-rumped Treeswift ♀
(Hemiprocne longipennis)Grey-rumped Treeswift ♀
(Hemiprocne longipennis)
Grey-rumped Treeswift ♀
(Hemiprocne longipennis)Grey-rumped Treeswift ♂
(Hemiprocne longipennis)
Grey-rumped Treeswift ♂