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Starlings, Mynas and Bristlehead

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Starlings are found throughout the Old World, and are represented in Borneo by two common residents, The Asian Glossy Starling and the Hill Myna. Of the Other mynas that are such conspicuous features of bird life on the mainland of South-East Asia, several have been introduced in small numbers. (Smythies, The Birds of Borneo, 1999)

Photographed Species (* denotes Bornean Endemic)

Scientific Name

Common Name

(Acridotheres cinereus) Makassar MynaImage
(Acridotheres cristatellus) Crested Myna Image
(Acridotheres javanicus) Javan MynaImage
(Agropsar philippensis) Chesnut-cheeked StarlingImage
(Aplonis panayensis strigata) Asian Glossy StarlingImage
(Gracula religiosa) Common Hill Myna Image

(Gracupica nigricollis) Black-collared StarlingImage

*(Pityriasis gymnocephala) *Bornean BristleheadImage

(Acridotheres cinereus) Makassar Myna
(Acridotheres cinereus)
Makassar Myna
(Acridotheres cinereus) Makassar Myna
(Acridotheres cinereus)
Makassar Myna
(Acridotheres cinereus) Makassar Myna
(Acridotheres cinereus)
Makassar Myna
(Acridotheres cinereus) Makassar Myna
(Acridotheres cinereus)
Makassar Myna
(Acridotheres cristatellus)Crested Myna
(Acridotheres cristatellus)
Crested Myna
(Acridotheres cristatellus)Crested Myna
(Acridotheres cristatellus)
Crested Myna
(Acridotheres cristatellus)Crested Myna
(Acridotheres cristatellus)
Crested Myna
(Acridotheres javanicus) Javan Myna
(Acridotheres javanicus)
Javan Myna
(Agropsar philippensis) Chesnut-cheeked Starling
(Agropsar philippensis)
Chesnut-cheeked Starling
(Agropsar philippensis) Chesnut-cheeked Starling
(Agropsar philippensis)
Chesnut-cheeked Starling
(Agropsar philippensis) Chesnut-cheeked Starling ♂
(Agropsar philippensis)
Chesnut-cheeked Starling ♂
(Aplonis panayensis strigata) Asian Glossy Starling
(Aplonis panayensis strigata)
Asian Glossy Starling
(Aplonis panayensis strigata) Asian Glossy Starling
(Aplonis panayensis strigata)
Asian Glossy Starling
(Aplonis panayensis strigata) Asian Glossy Starling
(Aplonis panayensis strigata)
Asian Glossy Starling
(Aplonis panayensis strigata) Asian Glossy Starling
(Aplonis panayensis strigata)
Asian Glossy Starling
(Gracula religiosa) Common Hill Myna
(Gracula religiosa)
Common Hill Myna
(Gracula religiosa) Common Hill Myna
(Gracula religiosa)
Common Hill Myna
(Gracupica nigricollis)Black-collared Starling
(Gracupica nigricollis)
Black-collared Starling
(Gracupica nigricollis)Black-collared Starling
(Gracupica nigricollis)
Black-collared Starling
(Pityriasis gymnocephala)*Bornean Bristlehead ♂
(Pityriasis gymnocephala)
*Bornean Bristlehead ♂
(Pityriasis gymnocephala) *Bornean Bristlehead
(Pityriasis gymnocephala)
*Bornean Bristlehead
(Pityriasis gymnocephala) *Bornean Bristlehead
(Pityriasis gymnocephala)
*Bornean Bristlehead