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Mesa Verdi National Park

Mesa Verde National Park is probably the only US national park dedicated to protect archeological treasures. The main attraction of this park is the numerous (>500) cliff dwellings in which the Ancestral Pueblo people built and lived from 600 AD to 1300 AD. This unique park is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2006.

Mesa Verde National Park has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1978.

Mesa Verde National Park is located at southwestern corner of Colorado, near the town of Cortex. The elevation of much of the park is over 7000 ft or 2100m.

For more information, please refer to:

Photos from a trip in August 2006.
Cliff Canyon
Cliff Canyon
Cliff Canyon
Cliff Canyon
Cliff Palace
Cliff Palace
Cliff Palace
Cliff Palace
Cliff Palace
Cliff Palace
Access to Cliff Palace
Access to Cliff Palace
Access to Cliff Palace (closed-up)
Access to Cliff Palace (closed-up)
Cliff Palace and its overlook
Cliff Palace and its overlook
Cliff Palace Overlook
Cliff Palace Overlook
Double-deck Cliff Dwellings
Double-deck Cliff Dwellings
Double Rainbows over Far View Lodge
Double Rainbows over Far View Lodge
Evening Thunderstorm
Evening Thunderstorm
Pueblo Style Building
Pueblo Style Building
Park Point Overlook
Park Point Overlook
Park Entrance
Park Entrance