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Konica Minolta Users | profile | all galleries >> KM Challenges >> C9: Touch of Colour - hosted by John down under >> #9: Touch of Colour - Competition tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

#9: Touch of Colour - Competition

Friday, 28 May 2004 to Monday, 7 June 2004 (GMT - 4 hrs ahead of Eastern USA DST)

Challenge #9 Competition Gallery Quick Facts:

Photos: 800 pixels (+10%) and 200kB max (see Rules on Entering Pictures)

Include your name in the title, eg My Ranch by JR Ewing

Include EXIF data (or text) to show photo date and camera make/model (and basic camera settings)

Congratulations to Lothar for winning C9 and therefore becoming the moderator for CX (our 10th Challenge) (with help from others if needed). JDU :o)

Note that any photo with a '+' at the start of its title also includes the 'before' version in its caption for ready comparison with the 'after' version posted here.

1st: The End by Lothman
1st: The End by Lothman
2nd: Mother Nature's Touch of Color by M. Scott Cole
2nd: Mother Nature's Touch of Color by M. Scott Cole
+ 3rd: A touch of colour by Sergio Rojkes
+ 3rd: "A touch of colour" by Sergio Rojkes
+ 4th: Evaporating watercolors by Paul
+ 4th: Evaporating watercolors by Paul
5th: mondriaan by adrianox
5th: mondriaan by adrianox
C9 competition results
C9 competition results
Comp gallery header: Reds by John down under
Comp gallery header: Reds by John down under
+ Paint your wagon * by Paul
+ Paint your wagon * by Paul
The Joy of Flight by Plamen Antonov
The Joy of Flight by Plamen Antonov
Good Morning from  Gregor Samsa  by Fred
Good Morning from Gregor Samsa by Fred
Open Wide by Gordon W
Open Wide by Gordon W
+ Market day * by Paul
+ Market day * by Paul
Raspberry Ripple  by horse
Raspberry Ripple
by horse
Bumblebee Splash  by Ingo Rautenberg
Bumblebee Splash by Ingo Rautenberg
Proud as ...  (by Rommaker)
Proud as ... (by Rommaker)
Follow Me - Alain De Bock
Follow Me - Alain De Bock
is that a.... by DSL
is that a.... by DSL
touch by adrianox
touch by adrianox
top pot by Rizal
top pot by Rizal
Supermarket Wall by von_Klein
Supermarket Wall by von_Klein
+ Parasols by Fred
+ Parasols by Fred
Games People Play  by michael.nj
Games People Play by michael.nj
A brush with colour by Matt Shuter
A brush with colour by Matt Shuter
A drop of colour by Matt Shuter
A drop of colour by Matt Shuter
Fly the Flag by Matt Shuter
Fly the Flag by Matt Shuter
The Color of Time by M. Scott Cole
The Color of Time by M. Scott Cole
speaker ishmail by adrianox
speaker ishmail by adrianox
FARGO by Dru Cook
FARGO by Dru Cook
Dreaming of the outside world! by Roy Krabben
Dreaming of the outside world! by Roy Krabben
High Plains Illumination by Pat
High Plains Illumination by Pat
+ Street Rods on Black Velvet  by Jack Grouell
+ Street Rods on Black Velvet by Jack Grouell
Split Tree by Ingo Rautenberg
Split Tree by Ingo Rautenberg
lights alive by DSL
lights alive by DSL
Moon & Leaves by Gordon W
Moon & Leaves by Gordon W
Something Sinister by Jack Grouell
Something Sinister by Jack Grouell
Bio or not Bio by Cyril PREISS
Bio or not Bio by Cyril PREISS
Goldfish Hiding by photoman
Goldfish Hiding by photoman
+ Red Hot Chili Pepper by Philip Potts
+ Red Hot Chili Pepper by Philip Potts
Some Gave All   (by Rommaker)
Some Gave All (by Rommaker)
The Old Days by Ambrose
The Old Days by Ambrose
Nooo! I'm not touching THAT! by Claudio Gatti
Nooo! I'm not touching THAT! by Claudio Gatti
Fallen Rocks by Gordon W
Fallen Rocks by Gordon W
Eye to Eye by Linda Grouell
Eye to Eye by Linda Grouell
French Cafe by widman
French Cafe by widman
California Poppy by Mattana
California Poppy by Mattana
Touched by Color by Dru Cook
"Touched by Color" by Dru Cook
read before use * by Cruz (xpress_on)
read before use * by Cruz (xpress_on)
Homecooked by Cyril PREISS
Homecooked by Cyril PREISS
Chimney by Fred
Chimney by Fred
Small but significant by pw-pix
Small but significant by pw-pix
Good Night by M. Des
Good Night by M. Des
Moonlit Truck by Azure Feast
Moonlit Truck by Azure Feast
Natural American Spirit by Bruce Jones
Natural American Spirit by Bruce Jones
St. Paul's by Bruce Jones
St. Paul's by Bruce Jones
A Promise By: Don Lynch
A Promise By: Don Lynch
Dart Board by Dimz
Dart Board by Dimz
All That Matters by Dimz
All That Matters by Dimz
Rainbow Step by theaussiepea
Rainbow Step by theaussiepea
Broken Beach Bucket by KeesZ1
Broken Beach Bucket by KeesZ1
Touching up a Rainy Day by bracket
Touching up a Rainy Day by bracket
Round the Corner by Dru Cook
Round the Corner by Dru Cook
Escaped - Alain De Bock
Escaped - Alain De Bock
Colourful Carolyn by JoséB
Colourful Carolyn by JoséB
Paint the town by DSL
Paint the town by DSL
Color With A Purpose by Jack Grouell
Color With A Purpose by Jack Grouell
Benches by Neil Paskin
Benches by Neil Paskin
A Touch Of Grey by Neil Paskin
A Touch Of Grey by Neil Paskin
You talkin' to me ? - Alain De Bock
You talkin' to me ? - Alain De Bock
A Touch Of Green by bracket
A Touch Of Green by bracket
The hidden colours of a grey world by Azure Feast
The hidden colours of a grey world by Azure Feast
The colour of steel by Azure Feast
The colour of steel by Azure Feast
Color Black by Cyril PREISS
Color Black by Cyril PREISS
Red Wing Spot by howard1
Red Wing Spot by howard1
Street Signs by nycfonephreak
Street Signs by nycfonephreak
Old Sink by nycfonephreak
Old Sink by nycfonephreak
'A Touch of... a Rose' by Plamen Antonov
'A Touch of... a Rose' by Plamen Antonov
Just a Flower by Troy Lepore
Just a Flower by Troy Lepore
Comma by Claudio Gatti
Comma by Claudio Gatti
Towers of Blue * by Smatty
Towers of Blue * by Smatty
Stairs go Traffic Light *by Smatty
Stairs go Traffic Light *by Smatty
Trailing Behind by Rene Little
Trailing Behind by Rene Little
Sunflower by Dimz
Sunflower by Dimz
Hey, Give it Back to Me by Gabor Heppes
Hey, Give it Back to Me by Gabor Heppes
Sunray Pebble by fritzkurt
Sunray Pebble by fritzkurt
Green Breakthough by fritzkurt
Green Breakthough by fritzkurt
Dessert Card by fritzkurt
Dessert Card by fritzkurt
Whoops!!  Forgot to change my uniform by Rene Little
Whoops!! Forgot to change my uniform by Rene Little
It's Green !! by KeesZ1
It's Green !! by KeesZ1
Collecting Liquid Gold by KeesZ1
Collecting Liquid Gold by KeesZ1
Daytona by Bruce Jones
Daytona by Bruce Jones
Gone Fishing by photoman
Gone Fishing by photoman
+ rusty barn by cbses
+ rusty barn by cbses
Thirsty by Ingo Rautenberg
Thirsty by Ingo Rautenberg
Zipper by Sergio Rojkes.jpg
Zipper by Sergio Rojkes.jpg
Ground colors * By Cruz (xpress_on)
Ground colors * By Cruz (xpress_on)
A coloured boat in a dark gray world * By Cruz (xpress_on)
A coloured boat in a dark gray world * By Cruz (xpress_on)
Have a Break by Gabor Heppes
Have a Break by Gabor Heppes
Catch of the Day By: Don Lynch
Catch of the Day By: Don Lynch
+ A Touch Of Modesty by John down under
+ A Touch Of Modesty by John down under
+ 4pts by John down under
+ 4pts by John down under
Indian Dancer by howard1
Indian Dancer by howard1
dramatic color by Peggy
dramatic color by Peggy
on a gray day by Peggy
on a gray day by Peggy
Lets play by José Medeiros
Lets play by José Medeiros
motos by José Medeiros
motos by José Medeiros
Forms by widman
Forms by widman
Church by José Medeiros
Church by José Medeiros