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C9: Touch of Colour - hosted by John down under

Friday, 28 May 2004 to Monday, 7 June 2004 (GMT - 4 hrs ahead of Eastern USA DST)

It's time to show what we can do with a touch of colour. :o)

Niamh's 'Boats' in the Big and Little Challenge got me interested in selective colour and inspired my
'Reds' in the Diagonals Challenge as my first serious attempt with that concept.
That ultimately led me to choose a Touch of Colour as the theme for C9.
Therefore, it's only fitting for 'Reds' and 'Boats' to be the gallery headers.
You can also check the 'Boats' caption for the Australian connection. ;o)

For those who love post-processing, feel free to knock yourselves out with selective colour and special effects!
Just keep in mind that voters' tastes may not be the same as yours. ;o)
Got a favourite B&W photo you've been itching to post? No problem. Just add some well-considered colourisation.
For everyone else, all that's needed is to post photos where colour provides a highlight against the rest of your photo.

Check out the 'How To' gallery below for more help.
If you have any good links, please help out by providing details for the 'How To' gallery (below).

Let's get creative and see what kind of variety we can produce.
Good luck and let's have some fun with (not too much) colour! :o)

Cheers from down under, John

Challenge #9 Quick Facts:

#9: Touch of Colour - Competition
:: #9: Touch of Colour - Competition ::
#9: Touch of Colour - Exhibition
:: #9: Touch of Colour - Exhibition ::
#9: Touch of Colour - How To
:: #9: Touch of Colour - How To ::
#9: Touch Of Colour - Original Photos
:: #9: Touch Of Colour - Original Photos ::