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Konica Minolta Users | all galleries >> KM Challenges >> C9: Touch of Colour - hosted by John down under >> #9: Touch of Colour - Competition > Towers of Blue * by Smatty
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30 May 2004 Smatty

Towers of Blue * by Smatty


This is the real lighting of an office building in Hamburg. Actually the light changes from bright blue to dark blue to give it an effect of waves.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Claudio Gatti06-Jun-2004 22:50
I like the geometrical structure of the image, and the feeling of a double frame (the outsides windows, and the 3 inside eliptical columns). The "blue wave" idea sounds really cool. I'd love to see it.

Guest 06-Jun-2004 11:19
Hi Smatty,
Now for my real comment at the end of a busy day.
It's great to have you back and great to see you firing on all cylinders. This is the Smatty of old that we've been missing for a short while. You've created a fantastic pic that somehow reminds me of the end of 'Fight Club', only much smoother and more appealing. Well done.
Cheers, John
Konica Minolta Users06-Jun-2004 10:07
Thank you JDU,
I am just trying to get used to a test version of PS CS. I guess I have to work out the bells and whistles. It is very complex and I have so little spare time :-( I guess I will go back to using PS Elements 2 for now...
Konica Minolta Users06-Jun-2004 01:37
Moderator post:
Hi Smatty, I can see from the EXIF data in Photoshop that you took this on 30 May, but PBase doesn't seem to want to recognise and display any of the EXIF data at all, so I've entered the date in the date field for you.
Cheers, John down under