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Konica Minolta Users | all galleries >> KM Challenges >> C9: Touch of Colour - hosted by John down under >> #9: Touch of Colour - Competition > Stairs go Traffic Light *by Smatty
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30-MAY-2004 Smatty

Stairs go Traffic Light *by Smatty


Real lighting of office building at night.

Minolta DiMAGE A1
1s f/4.0 at 7.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 09-Jun-2004 15:18
beautiful colors and perfect symetry!
kodak_challenge06-Jun-2004 20:48
Really nicely composed and I love the smooth, noise-free, subtle colur gradations. Tim A
Guest 06-Jun-2004 11:20
Hi Smatty,
Another great effort. Much more colour and I think it would be getting away from the theme here, but I love this one.
Cheers, John