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05-JUN-2004 Claudio Gatti

Comma by Claudio Gatti

Minolta DiMAGE A1
1/2500s f/5.6 at 18.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Cyril PREISS06-Jun-2004 19:11
Well Done!

You make me want to make a break, and take some holidays :-)

Competition is tougher than ever ;-)

Guest 06-Jun-2004 11:16
Nicely done. However, I think you have created an apostrophe rather than a comma. I know the inconsistency with the horizontal mirroring and title is there into tricking us all into not making you be the C10 moderator. ;o)
Cheers, John
Konica Minolta Users06-Jun-2004 10:49
Framed like a work of art, it is a work of art. Paul.
Claudio Gatti05-Jun-2004 23:27
Hi Alain,

Ohhhh, I knew it something was missing! I forgot to pass it through the spell checker before submitting ;-)

Konica Minolta Users05-Jun-2004 22:40
Great tension in this image, Claudio ! And in those wires too I presume...
Small idea : if you mirror the pic, the comma becomes more comma ;)
