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Plants & Flowers & Grasses

Just a few of Nature's wonders.
Spring Yellow
"Spring Yellow"
Spring Yellow
"Spring Yellow"
Spring Yellow
"Spring Yellow"
Spring Yellow - Japanese Kerria
"Spring Yellow" - Japanese Kerria
Corn Poppies (Mostly)
Corn Poppies (Mostly)
Corn Poppy
Corn Poppy
Amaryllis in Bloom
Amaryllis in Bloom
Hazel Bliss Display
Hazel Bliss Display
Pawpaw Tree flowers
Pawpaw Tree flowers
Trumpet Vine
Trumpet Vine
Blowing in the Wind
"Blowing in the Wind"
Water Plant
Water Plant
Blue Berries - Evergreen Bush
Blue Berries - Evergreen Bush
Sycamore Tree Seed Pods
Sycamore Tree Seed Pods
Sycamore Seed Pods
Sycamore Seed Pods
Spring is Coming
"Spring is Coming"
Bleeding Hearts
"Bleeding Hearts"
Garden Colors
Garden Colors
Yellow Lilies
Yellow Lilies
Wild Azalea
Wild Azalea
Tulip Poplar (in bloom)
Tulip Poplar (in bloom)
Point Pelee's West Beach Wild Flowers
Point Pelee's West Beach Wild Flowers
Yellow Salsify
Yellow Salsify
Woodland Nature Trail Wild Flowers
Woodland Nature Trail Wild Flowers
Shrubby St. John's Wort
Shrubby St. John's Wort
Goriosa Daisy - Normal Form
Goriosa Daisy - Normal Form
Color Morph of Goriosa Daisy
Color Morph of Goriosa Daisy
Wild Bee Balm
Wild Bee Balm
Field Wildflowers
Field Wildflowers
Field Wildflowers
Field Wildflowers
Hibiscus - Lifted-to-the-Light
Hibiscus - "Lifted-to-the-Light"
Very Large Daisy Hedge
Very Large Daisy Hedge
Wild Elderberry
Wild Elderberry
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Turk's Cap Lily
Virginia Meadow Beauty
Virginia Meadow Beauty
Jimson Weed - hit by frost
Jimson Weed - hit by frost
Green Lady Slipper Orchid
Green Lady Slipper Orchid
Green Lady Slipper Orchid
Green Lady Slipper Orchid
Green Lady Slipper Orchid
Green Lady Slipper Orchid
Wildflower - 'Spring Beauty'
Wildflower - 'Spring Beauty'
Purple-Flowering Raspberry Wildflower
Purple-Flowering Raspberry Wildflower
wild Phlox; (wild rose leaves)
wild Phlox; (wild rose leaves)
Bombax Tree Flowering
Bombax Tree Flowering
Wild Virginia Bluebells
Wild Virginia Bluebells
Virginia Bluebells
Virginia Bluebells
Wild Yellow Daisy
Wild Yellow Daisy
Good Morning
"Good Morning"
Good Morning
"Good Morning"
Light Box Flower Display
Light Box Flower Display
Light Box Flower Display
Light Box Flower Display
Simple Floral Art
Simple Floral Art
Naked Coral Tree
"Naked Coral Tree"
Yellow-trout Lily
Yellow-trout Lily
Yellow-trout Lily
Yellow-trout Lily
Flood Plain Bottomland
Flood Plain Bottomland
Flood Plain Bottomland
Flood Plain Bottomland
Black Locust Tree Flower
Black Locust Tree Flower
Spring Lushness in the Valley
Spring Lushness in the Valley
May Fern Growth at 4000' Elevation
May Fern Growth at 4000' Elevation
Wildflower and Grasshopper
Wildflower and Grasshopper
From Carol's Herb Garden
From Carol's Herb Garden
Spring is Green
Spring is Green
Pink Lady Slipper
Pink Lady Slipper
Beautiful Trillium
Beautiful Trillium
Mimosa pigra
Mimosa pigra
Small Pleasures
Small Pleasures
Indian Paintbrush
Indian Paintbrush
Evening Primrose
Evening Primrose
Bee Balm
Bee Balm
Indian Pipe
Indian Pipe
Oak Tree Bracket Fungus
Oak Tree Bracket Fungus
Marsh Marigolds
Marsh Marigolds
Wildflower - Silene caroliniana - Wild Pink
Wildflower - Silene caroliniana - "Wild Pink"
Yellow Lady Slipper
Yellow Lady Slipper
Silver Spring Wanderer
Silver Spring Wanderer
Pink Trillium
Pink Trillium
White Trillium
White Trillium
Pink Dogwood
Pink Dogwood
Wild Yellow Ragwort
Wild Yellow Ragwort
Wild Swamp Rose Mallow
Wild Swamp Rose Mallow
Wild Cardinal Flower
Wild Cardinal Flower
Water Aconite, Eranthis
Water Aconite, Eranthis
Winter Aconite, Eranthis
Winter Aconite, Eranthis
Winter Aconite, Eranthis
Winter Aconite, Eranthis
Winter Jasmine (Yingchun)
Winter Jasmine (Yingchun)
Virginia Bluebells
Virginia Bluebells
Squaroot (Conopholis americana)
Squaroot (Conopholis americana)
Squaroot (Conopholis americana)
Squaroot (Conopholis americana)
Squaroot (Conopholis americana)
Squaroot (Conopholis americana)
Wild Columbine
Wild Columbine
Golden star (Chrysogonum virginianum)
Golden star (Chrysogonum virginianum)
Common Spiderwort
Common Spiderwort
American Hophornbeam Tree (Ostraya virginiana)
American Hophornbeam Tree (Ostraya virginiana)
Ironweed Wildflower
Ironweed Wildflower
Staghorn sumac
Staghorn sumac
“gopher spurge,” Euphorbia lathyris
“gopher spurge,” Euphorbia lathyris
Common Mullein
Common Mullein
American Elderberry
American Elderberry
Musk Mallow (with ants)
Musk Mallow (with ants)
Lush Environment
Lush Environment
'Chicken of the Woods'
'Chicken of the Woods'
Elegant Stinkhorn Mushroom
Elegant Stinkhorn Mushroom
Everlasting Pea
Everlasting Pea
Aspen Tree
Aspen Tree
Aspen Trees
Aspen Trees
Touch of Spring in Christmas bouquets
Touch of Spring in Christmas bouquets
Winter Aconite, Eranthis
Winter Aconite, Eranthis
Jacob's Ladder
Jacob's Ladder
Purple Clematis Vine
Purple Clematis Vine
Common Mullein & Milkweed
Common Mullein & Milkweed
Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Weed
Musk Thistle Wildflower
Musk Thistle Wildflower
Penstemon whippleanus Wildflower
Penstemon whippleanus Wildflower
Columbian Monkshood Wildflower
Columbian Monkshood Wildflower
TBD Wildflower
TBD Wildflower
Chinese Forget-Me-Not
Chinese Forget-Me-Not
Yellow Pearl
Yellow Pearl
Florida Luna White Hibiscus
Florida Luna White Hibiscus
Dutchman's Breeches
Dutchman's Breeches
Violet Wood Sorrel
Violet Wood Sorrel
Great white trillium
Great white trillium
Wild Geranium
Wild Geranium
Maria's Columbine
Maria's Columbine
Queen of the Prairie - Filipendula rubra
Queen of the Prairie - Filipendula rubra
Fall Wildflowers
Fall Wildflowers
Wild Ironweed
Wild Ironweed
Rusty Blackhaw (Viburnum rufidulum)
Rusty Blackhaw (Viburnum rufidulum)
Lion's Mane Fungus
Lion's Mane Fungus
Pearly Everlasting
Pearly Everlasting
Native Black Cherry(?)
Native Black Cherry(?)
New Oak Coming Up
New Oak Coming Up
Golden Larch
Golden Larch
Morning Glory
Morning Glory