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Dave Beedon | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gone But Not Forgotten tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Gone But Not Forgotten

This gallery shows things that are gone but which I remember for one reason or another. They are gone because I sold them, gave them away, recycled them, or discarded them, or because they were in my life but have disappeared, been demolished, or are no longer active.

Because I am a pack rat, letting go of anything is difficult. Photographing a memorable thing helps me let go physically but allows me to hold on mentally.

Newest uploads are at the top.

Maricopa in 2017 and 1997
Maricopa in 2017 and 1997
The switch is gone
The switch is gone
Military Road got shortened
Military Road got shortened
Dusty equalizer
Dusty equalizer
This building disappeared
This building disappeared
Geneva Steel (Vineyard, Utah)
Geneva Steel (Vineyard, Utah)
Water bottle for rinsing car's windows
Water bottle for rinsing car's windows
Stone age data storage
Stone age data storage
A treadmill that traveled down the street
A treadmill that traveled down the street
Various things that I gave away at a city-sponsored swap meet
Various things that I gave away at a city-sponsored swap meet
Old garage (no longer exists)
Old garage (no longer exists)
TV box
TV box
Raichle lightweight trail boots
Raichle lightweight trail boots
A cool bird that we will miss!
A cool bird that we will miss!
Box for a saw, never to be seen again
Box for a saw, never to be seen again
Desk chair retired after 34 years
Desk chair retired after 34 years
I cleaned up by cleaning out this soap
I cleaned up by cleaning out this soap
First wine, then stove fuel, then who knows?
First wine, then stove fuel, then who knows?
It printed its final job in 2011
It printed its final job in 2011
Tool for circular saw
Tool for circular saw
Release for a pack rat
Release for a pack rat
A Borders gift card !
A Borders gift card !
Blanket from Germany
Blanket from Germany
Childhood rocking chair
Childhood rocking chair