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Small Things

There is a peculiar human response to things that are small, or smaller than we are accustomed to finding
them, or to immature creatures. Pictures of small things don't need to be great works of art; they simply
need to select or draw attention to whatever aspect of the subject matter evokes that peculiar response.

Note: The images are now re-arranged in order according to the number of views, least viewed at top.
Butterfly on clover
Butterfly on clover
Small stone flautist
Small stone flautist
Small reproductive strategy
Small reproductive strategy
Deeply involved bee
Deeply involved bee
Small daisy with visitor
Small daisy with visitor
Comparatively small watercraft
Comparatively small watercraft
Bee and blue
Bee and blue
Small part of scale model railway
Small part of scale model railway
One small great-grandson
One small great-grandson
Small white kangaroo
Small white kangaroo
Blossoms on my lemon tree again
Blossoms on my lemon tree again
Small creature with six legs
Small creature with six legs
Not your usual mice
Not your usual mice
Small creatures not getting wet
Small creatures not getting wet
Small Plane
Small Plane
3168: Small beetle
3168: Small beetle
Small sign of Spring 2014
Small sign of Spring 2014
Small skink
Small skink
Small visitor to a dahlia
Small visitor to a dahlia
Young wallaby
Young wallaby
Small half-hidden insect
Small half-hidden insect
A very small spider
A very small spider
Small temptations
Small temptations
Small traction engine
Small traction engine
Small bathroom detail
Small bathroom detail
Very small butterfly
Very small butterfly
Another small skink
Another small skink
Small green bit of Tasmania
Small green bit of Tasmania
Gompholobium: Big name, small visitors
Gompholobium: Big name, small visitors
Small captive macropod
Small captive macropod
Small memory
Small memory
Small hide for a spider
Small hide for a spider
Unknown small visitor to my plum tree
Unknown small visitor to my plum tree
Small token of luxury
Small token of luxury
Small Callicoma
Small Callicoma
Small road rager
Small road rager
Pittosporum and small guest
Pittosporum and small guest
Three small boys inventing a game
Three small boys inventing a game
Small ontological reflections
Small ontological reflections
Small new growth
Small new growth
Two small cyclists
Two small cyclists
Bee in an unidentified tree
Bee in an unidentified tree
Small Volkswagen
Small Volkswagen
Small natural garden
Small natural garden
A small boy, a seagull and a shadow
A small boy, a seagull and a shadow
Small weeds: forget-me-not
Small weeds: forget-me-not
Four small ducks with escort
Four small ducks with escort
Small noisy miner
Small noisy miner
Small feather
Small feather
Small struggling plants
Small struggling plants
Small beetles among gumblossom
Small beetles among gumblossom
Small wildflower, small visitor
Small wildflower, small visitor
Ferns above a small creek
Ferns above a small creek
Small flowers out of season
Small flowers out of season
Small observed crabs
Small observed crabs
Three small observers of crabs
Three small observers of crabs
Small new plant, big old rocks
Small new plant, big old rocks
Small plants growing on a bigger plant
Small plants growing on a bigger plant
Small Greens
Small Greens
Young wattle among reeds
Young wattle among reeds
Small ring-tailed possum
Small ring-tailed possum
Interested bee
Interested bee
New fern
New fern
Small beetles being sociable
Small beetles being sociable
Unidentified small creature
Unidentified small creature
Garden in a flower in a garden
Garden in a flower in a garden
Seagull Chick
Seagull Chick
Small error in evolution
Small error in evolution
Small dog, Sydney Easter Show 2003
Small dog, Sydney Easter Show 2003
Bee in Faith's garden
Bee in Faith's garden
Frangipani detail, Tuckombil
Frangipani detail, Tuckombil
Small girl, small monster
Small girl, small monster
Small craft evading ferry
Small craft evading ferry
Small scale model village
Small scale model village
Black Bug
Black Bug
Vine, Tizzana Winery doorway
Vine, Tizzana Winery doorway
Small hole, occupied
Small hole, occupied
Jacinta with bantam
Jacinta with bantam
Mangrove shoot in shallow water
Mangrove shoot in shallow water
Small Baby
Small Baby
Three small boys on a beach
Three small boys on a beach
Seven-day-old baby, big yawn
Seven-day-old baby, big yawn
Another hopeful seedling
Another hopeful seedling
Small boy, small toy
Small boy, small toy
Stephen Walker's sculpture
Stephen Walker's sculpture
Small pigs, large dinner
Small pigs, large dinner
Small couple in a box
Small couple in a box
Three small humans
Three small humans
Blossom on my lemonade tree
Blossom on my lemonade tree
Caged Gouldian Finch
Caged Gouldian Finch
Small flowers in Frances's garden
Small flowers in Frances's garden