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The Chronicle of Charlie - the First Eighteen Years

To Charlie I was "Lolo" — a sort of honorary grandfather for many years, and
now a step-grandfather, and "Paul". I quite early took on the role of his chronicler — at
least until he reaches the age when he is embarrassed by all this. The rows in this
gallery are in chronological order, the earliest — "Day One" — at the bottom.
Charlie the Rescuer
Charlie the Rescuer
Charlie the Politician
Charlie the Politician
Mad Max Charlie
Mad Max Charlie
Charlie in a Chinese Garden
Charlie in a Chinese Garden
Charlie communicating with fish
Charlie communicating with fish
Charlie with a Lego Eiffel Tower
Charlie with a Lego Eiffel Tower
Charlie & Lola at the museum
Charlie & Lola at the museum
Charlie and Magic
Charlie and Magic
Update on 2016 photo
Update on 2016 photo
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 1
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 1
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 2
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 2
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 3
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 3
Charlie and his  Lamborghini - 4
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 4
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 5
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 5
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 6
Charlie and his Lamborghini - 6
Charlie and the university
Charlie and the university
Charlie and the Train Controller
Charlie and the Train Controller
Charlie the train driver
Charlie the train driver
Charlie and a large guitar
Charlie and a large guitar
Charlie beating the robot
Charlie beating the robot
Charlie climbing
Charlie climbing
Charlie and a penny-farthing bicycle
Charlie and a penny-farthing bicycle
Charlie and the Batmobile
Charlie and the Batmobile
Charlie and a wedge-tailed eagle
Charlie and a wedge-tailed eagle
All Charlie
All Charlie
Just Charlie
Just Charlie
Charlie among friends on Australia Day
Charlie among friends on Australia Day
Well-fed kangaroo refuses Charlie's offer
Well-fed kangaroo refuses Charlie's offer
Charlie gets wallaby slightly interested
Charlie gets wallaby slightly interested
Wallaby allows contact, not sure about communication
Wallaby allows contact, not sure about communication
Construction exercise for children and grandmothers
Construction exercise for children and grandmothers
Building a geodesic dome
Building a geodesic dome
Just about completed
Just about completed
Charlie - one foot on the ground
Charlie - one foot on the ground
Charlie - airborne
Charlie - airborne
Charlie - more airborne
Charlie - more airborne
Charlie, age 7
Charlie, age 7
Blowing out 7 candles
Blowing out 7 candles
Birthday chip
Birthday chip
Let me show you– 1
"Let me show you"– 1
Let me show you– 2
"Let me show you"– 2
Let me show you– 3
"Let me show you"– 3
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 1
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 1
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 2
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 2
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 3
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 3
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 4
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 4
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 5
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 5
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 6
Charlie's Sixth Birthday — 6
Charlie's hands at work — 1
Charlie's hands at work — 1
Charlie's hands at work — 2
Charlie's hands at work — 2
Charlie's hands at work — 3
Charlie's hands at work — 3
Charlie on Australia Day – 1
Charlie on Australia Day – 1
Charlie on Australia Day – 2
Charlie on Australia Day – 2
Charlie on Australia Day – 3
Charlie on Australia Day – 3
Watching the model trains
Watching the model trains
Thomas meets Charlie
Thomas meets Charlie
Four years, and knows it
Four years, and knows it
Comparing notes
Comparing notes
Charlie and  cousin: who's taller?
Charlie and cousin: who's taller?
Charlie's 4th birthday - 1
Charlie's 4th birthday - 1
Charlie's 4th birthday - 2
Charlie's 4th birthday - 2
Charlie's 4th birthday - 3
Charlie's 4th birthday - 3
Charlie and cousin
Charlie and cousin
Charlie the kicker
Charlie the kicker
I'm not too old for this yet
"I'm not too old for this yet"
I'll learn to swim one day
"I'll learn to swim one day"
These aren't real binoculars
"These aren't real binoculars"
Charlie, Australia Day — 1
Charlie, Australia Day — 1
Charlie, Australia Day —2
Charlie, Australia Day —2
Charlie, Australia Day —3
Charlie, Australia Day —3
Charlie and sand
Charlie and sand
Charlie as a seagull
Charlie as a seagull
That way!
"That way!"
What's that you said?
"What's that you said?"
That's very funny
"That's very funny"
Take my photo like this
"Take my photo like this"
Charlie and dinosaurs - 1
Charlie and dinosaurs - 1
Charlie and dinosaurs -  2
Charlie and dinosaurs - 2
Quiet Charlie
Quiet Charlie
On the way to literacy
On the way to literacy
Foot-eye co-ordination
Foot-eye co-ordination
Just thinking
Just thinking
With birthday loot
With birthday loot
Charlie, aged three
Charlie, aged three
Railway engineer
Railway engineer
Not what I expect in a book
"Not what I expect in a book"
I'll give you my email address next time
"I'll give you my email address next time"
This is where I get off
"This is where I get off"
Charlie with very healthy food
Charlie with very healthy food
Spiderman at the piano
Spiderman at the piano
Charlie, excited at the idea of his first bushwalk
Charlie, excited at the idea of his first bushwalk
Charlie's first encounter of a bush track
Charlie's first encounter of a bush track
Charlie's realisation that he has to walk back up those steps.
Charlie's realisation that he has to walk back up those steps.
Charlie watching his favourite movie
Charlie watching his favourite movie
Audience participation
Audience participation
I'm meant to use a spoon for this?
"I'm meant to use a spoon for this?"
Applause for Charlie
Applause for Charlie
Current favourite toy
Current favourite toy
Cap turned round for photography
Cap turned round for photography
Charlie and cousin
Charlie and cousin
Just Charlie
Just Charlie
Charlie and banana
Charlie and banana
Charlie, the exuberant pianist, finds middle C
Charlie, the exuberant pianist, finds middle C
Charlie, custodian of small animals
Charlie, custodian of small animals
Charlie, contemplating his political future
Charlie, contemplating his political future
Charlie in green
Charlie in green
Charlie in bath
Charlie in bath
Charlie with straw
Charlie with straw
I'll start with the bar code
"I'll start with the bar code"
See how fast I play!
"See how fast I play!"
Fish and chips? . . . . . . .  Well . . . .
"Fish and chips? . . . . . . . Well . . . . "
Charlie on his birthday
Charlie on his birthday
Charlie watching puppet show
Charlie watching puppet show
Charlie asleep
Charlie asleep
g6/17/342117/3/76478869.RvFr1Ge9.jpg Charlie, nearly two
Charlie, nearly two
Australia Day yesterday; this call will be about my award!
"Australia Day yesterday; this call will be about my award!"
Notice that I've mastered this spoon thing now.
"Notice that I've mastered this spoon thing now."
But being Bob the Builder's boss is my real aim.
"But being Bob the Builder's boss is my real aim."
 Hats bring out the best in me
"Hats bring out the best in me"
Not this hat, then?
"Not this hat, then?"
What about no hat?
"What about no hat?"
Well, the car's not new ........
"Well, the car's not new ........ "
And it needs a wheel alignment, but ........
"And it needs a wheel alignment, but ........ "
It's all I'm allowed to drive, unfortunately.
"It's all I'm allowed to drive, unfortunately."
T1012: Yes, carpentry, possibly.  Or perhaps politics.
T1012: "Yes, carpentry, possibly. Or perhaps politics."
T1006: Is this really drinking chocolate?
T1006: "Is this really drinking chocolate?"
P0821: My chauffeur should be here by now
P0821: "My chauffeur should be here by now"
0464: Please, I'm only a little boy
0464: "Please, I'm only a little boy"
0468: Charlie considering a career move
0468: Charlie considering a career move
0471: Charlie's latest hat
0471: Charlie's latest hat
0363: Charlie, 17 months
0363: Charlie, 17 months
0339: Charlie at a picnic
0339: Charlie at a picnic
0313: Charlie reading in bed
0313: Charlie reading in bed
The menu is beyond Charlie
The menu is beyond Charlie
Charlie finding things in the park
Charlie finding things in the park
A green ball, a white rug, and Charlie
A green ball, a white rug, and Charlie
Charlie, dressed for winter
Charlie, dressed for winter
What can I get for this?
"What can I get for this?"
It's for you!
"It's for you!"
Waiting in the car - 1
Waiting in the car - 1
Waiting in the car - 2
Waiting in the car - 2
Waiting in the car  - 3
Waiting in the car - 3
Charlie learning about the world
Charlie learning about the world
Charlie at a restaurant on Mother's Day
Charlie at a restaurant on Mother's Day
Charlie with his favourite toy
Charlie with his favourite toy
Charlie and the concrete mixer
Charlie and the concrete mixer
Charlie at 13 months (nearly)
Charlie at 13 months (nearly)
Charlie and the Big Dumper
Charlie and the Big Dumper
Charlie, running!
Charlie, running!
Charlie and Dad – and cake!
Charlie and Dad – and cake!
Charlie and Uncle
Charlie and Uncle
Charlie and Dad
Charlie and Dad
Charlie looking like a teenager
Charlie looking like a teenager
Charlie with a serious cap
Charlie with a serious cap
Charlie at the zoo  – 1
Charlie at the zoo – 1
Charlie at the zoo – 2
Charlie at the zoo – 2
Charlie at the zoo – 3
Charlie at the zoo – 3
Charlie with Mum and birthday cake
Charlie with Mum and birthday cake
Charlie enjoying a birthday hug
Charlie enjoying a birthday hug
Charlie with birthday presents
Charlie with birthday presents
Charlie in the supermarket with peaches
Charlie in the supermarket with peaches
Charlie finding potatoes uninteresting
Charlie finding potatoes uninteresting
Charlie in the Cuddly and Fluffy aisle
Charlie in the Cuddly and Fluffy aisle
g3/17/342117/3/58007247.T0002a.jpg g3/17/342117/3/58007245.T0001.jpg g3/17/342117/3/58007246.T0010.jpg
Charlie in the supermarket with chocolates
Charlie in the supermarket with chocolates
Charlie in the supermarket with disposable nappies
Charlie in the supermarket with disposable nappies
Charlie in the supermarket with flowers
Charlie in the supermarket with flowers
Universal principle for noise-making: Hold it in left hand, hit it with right.
Universal principle for noise-making: Hold it in left hand, hit it with right.
Charlie's photographer in the role of honorary grandfather
Charlie's photographer in the role of honorary grandfather
Not giving this up now I've learned to hold it one handed!
"Not giving this up now I've learned to hold it one handed!"
Charlie on the top step
Charlie on the top step
Charlie's I protest look
Charlie's "I protest" look
Eleven months, and vertical!
Eleven months, and vertical!
Ten months
Ten months
Charlie with Dad
Charlie with Dad
Charlie with musical bent
Charlie with musical bent
Charlie with vacuum cleaner
Charlie with vacuum cleaner
Charlie with wheels
Charlie with wheels
Charlie with teeth
Charlie with teeth
Charlie considering
Charlie considering
Charlie's profile
Charlie's profile
Charlie, at 9 months, reminiscing
Charlie, at 9 months, reminiscing
Rejection of Literacy (8½ months)
Rejection of Literacy (8½ months)
8½ months
8½ months
Charlie's first Christmas
Charlie's first Christmas
Charlie, borrowed – 1
Charlie, borrowed – 1
Charlie, borrowed – 2
Charlie, borrowed – 2
Charlie, borrowed – 3
Charlie, borrowed – 3
Charlie with Dad and Uncles
Charlie with Dad and Uncles
The almost-formal group shot
The almost-formal group shot
Dressed for the occasion
Dressed for the occasion
Happy family, but who is that man on the right?
Happy family, but who is that man on the right?
Charlie wanting Mum
Charlie wanting Mum
The Candle
The Candle
The Anointing
The Anointing
Charlie's Christening
Charlie's Christening
Hands on the exercise machine
Hands on the exercise machine
Crouching Tiger
Crouching Tiger
5½ months
5½ months
The Spoon
The Spoon
7½ months
7½ months
7½ months
7½ months
7½ months
7½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5¾ months
5¾ months
5¾ months
5¾ months
5¾ months
5¾ months
5¾ months
5¾ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
5½ months
126 days
126 days
126 days
126 days
126 days
126 days
126 days
126 days
Four months
Four months
Four months
Four months
Four months
Four months
Day 65
Day 65
Day 65
Day 65
Nine weeks
Nine weeks
Nine weeks
Nine weeks
Six weeks
Six weeks
Six weeks
Six weeks
Six weeks
Six weeks
Six weeks
Six weeks
Six weeks
Six weeks
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
16 days
Seven days old
Seven days old
Seven days old
Seven days old
Seven days old
Seven days old
Seven days old
Seven days old
Seven-day-old baby, big yawn
Seven-day-old baby, big yawn
Seven days old
Seven days old
Day Two
Day Two
Day Two
Day Two
Day Two
Day Two
Day One
Day One
Day One
Day One
Day One
Day One
Day One
Day One
Day One
Day One