Dusky moorhen |
Purple swamphen |
Dusky moorhen with chicks |
Young raven |
Young raven |
Young raven |
Mating moorhens |
Three galahs |
What bird is this? |
Ibis |
Almost friendly brush turkey |
White swan |
Gerygone |
Platalea regia |
Water birds on a mud flat |
Waders and friends |
Long Neck Lagoon |
Long Neck Lagoon |
On the walk around Long Neck Lagoon |
One pelican on watch |
A mix of birds |
Little pied cormorant: Phalacrocorax melanoleucos |
Winter morning, with ducks |
Winter at Pughs Lagoon |
Feeding cockatoo |
Purple Swamp Hen |
One duck |
Two ducks |
Swan & Goose, Pughs Lagoon |
White duck addresses the multitude |
Black swan, black duck |
Pughs Lagoon, evening |
Wood duck |
A later evening |
The duckfeeding ritual |
Goose family with two outsiders |
Geese preparing to go out |
Assertive Geese |
Goose Lady |
Little black cormorants |
Morning at Pughs Lagoon |
Another morning at Pughs Lagoon |
Purple Swamphen |
Coot |
Swan Lake |
Feeding the ducks and coots |
Two swimmers |
Coot in a lily pond |
Bird feeding time |
Bridge at the lily pond, Centennial Park |
Ducks eat lily blossoms! |
Artist at one of the lakes |
Three different birds |
Paperbarks |
Paperbark Bole |
Tourists befriending a black swan |
Pair of swans, Centennial Park |
Coot, Bicentennial Park |
Beside Lake Belvedere, Bicentennial Park |
Duck domestic |
Two boys, Lake Belvedere |
Purple Swamphens |
From the Treillage Tower |
Mangrove Swamp |
Tide coming in over the mangroves |
Mangroves |
The Boardwalk |
An ecology lesson |
Stroller |
Convergence |
Another bottlebrush |
Wetlands with birds flying |
Wetlands with birds not flying |
Family strolling, Bicentennial Park |
Belvedere, Bicentennial Park |
Lake, Bicentennial Park |
Bird life, Bicentennial Patk |
Currawong in mangrove |
Boardwalk beside Queens Lake |
Egret in mangroves – 1 |
Egret in mangroves - 2 |
Fisherman on a jetty, Queens Lake |
Moored catamaran |
Queens Lake, looking east |
Pelicans and friend |
Gulls beside a creek |
Purple Swamphens at Glenbrook lagoon |
Cockatoos at Glenbrook lagoon |
One Cockatoo |
Two cockatoos |
Head duck, Glenbrook |
Duckwaves, Glenbrook |
Glenbrook Lagoon Revisited |
One white duck |
Two whites and a black |
Pretty river, ugly sign |
Fishing near the weir |
Kayaks |
Kingfisher |
Weir on the Nepean River |
Deloris, the river weed eater |
At the river landing |
Longneck Lagoon from the road |
Longneck Lagoon through willows |
Reflection at the edge of the lagoon |
The widest part of Long Neck Lagoon |
Geese, mainly |
Canoes going, birds watching |
Area reserved for birds |
Three geese and a red canoe |
One canoe, two geese |
Canoes gone, birds back |
Mummuga Lake |
Currawong |
Upstream from the Yarramundi Bridge |
Pughs Lagoon |
Dusky moorhen |
Cormorant |
They pair for life |
Reflections, with a coot |
Pughs Lagoon |
One-legged sentinel |
A regatta of pelicans on the Nepean |
Goose glitter |
Pool for birds |
Mangrove Creek |
Mangrove Creek |
Black swan family |
Lagoon left by sand mining 60 years ago |
At Yarramundi |
Eurasian coots |
Lagoon in Mogo Creek |
Threes |
"Plover" |
0398: Tuggerah Lake |
0411: Cormorant |
Kookaburras |
New Holland Honeyeater |
Wood ducks |
Currawong |
Willie wagtail |
Parrot waiting for identification |
Upstream from Windsor – 1 |
Upstream from Windsor – 2 |
Upstream from Windsor – 3 |
Two moorhens |
Crimson rosellas |
Lane Cove River |
Pelicans Everywhere (44 pictures)
A Swan Family (9 pictures)
One magpie
Little Cormorant |
Ibis |
Raven |
White-bellied sea eagle |
Wood duck |
Wood ducks and rosellas |
Pelicans and – what are those black things? |
A couple of coots |
Wren |
Four pelicans |
Eastern Water Dragon |
Red wattlebird |
Red wattlebird |
Honeyeater |
Red wattlebird |
Manly Dam |
Pughs Lagoon |
Brush turkey |
Noisy miner among the Strelitzias |
Sixteen wood ducks and a coot |
Turon River |
Female king parrot in cypress tree |
McLeay River |