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Wallpaper, Colour and Pattern

These are pictures where texture, colour and pattern are more important than subject
matter or form. Many of these pictures could just as well be viewed upside down.
Chobe River Zebra Chobe River
z1011147.JPG z1011128.JPG z1011146.JPG
Palm patterns Roadside lavender Read my palm
Gazania 1 Gazania 2 Gazania 3
Tulips Parsley Violas
Bands of colour Bands of colour Bands of colour
Mimosa pattern 1 Bottlebrush Mimosa pattern 2
Tree at ground level – 1 Tree at ground level – 2 Tree at ground level – 3
Lichen on sandstone — 1 Lichen on sandstone — 2 Lichen on sandstone — 3
Two-thirds sky, one third tree in colour g12/17/342117/3/137785966.SojUBpD5.jpg Two-thirds sky, one-third opera house
z9247809.jpg z9247811.jpg z9247813.jpg
Lichen on a rock platform Underneath a casuarina Underneath a gum tree
Eucalypt bark in summer – 1 Eucalypt bark in summer – 2 Eucalypt bark in summer – 3
Thirty nine Articles – 1 Thirty-nine Articles – 2 Thirty-nine Articles – 3
zC235864.jpg zC235861.jpg zC235865.jpg
g4/17/342117/3/138031543.IGsqDFW5.jpg g4/17/342117/3/138031544.baEG7Jov.jpg g4/17/342117/3/138031545.PUWEeDp9.jpg
Aboriginal wall painting Aboriginal wall painting Aboriginal wall painting
cars.jpg Carpet of leaves and shadows zMGP0489.jpg
Patterned sandstone Expectant yellow Scale missing
Pebbles at the half-tide mark Rock patterns at the low-tide mark A boulder above high-tide mark
Ant Hill Floor covering Another floor covering
Not closing time yet Duckprints on a beach The colours of tulips
Fish pattern Prawns Shellfish
Candlagan Creek Shells on East Durras Beach Fungus on a dead tree
Small pebbles Waratah Small pebbles smart-blurred
Lichen on a sandstone boulder, with a dead tree branch. Lichen on a sandstone boulder Trunk of a chestnut tree
Forest floor In a herb garden g6/17/342117/3/72869105.FB57bewC.jpg
Leptospermum Paperbark branches  Banksia foliage
Exercise in symmetry 1 Ant heap Exercise in symmetry 2
Orange Desert Pea Plum blossom, dark conifer in background Purple Maple
Lichen on sandstone g5/17/342117/3/67304527.Wyx3SaHf.jpg  Sandstone worked by convicts
Ground cover Stone wall - 1 Roadside weeds
Wattle Broken Boulder Unidentified Yellow Flower
Ground beneath desert oaks Creek bed Dry Bed of The Neales
River weed Wall of abandoned railway building Vietnamese Tree
Tomatoes for sale Unidentified fruit Detail of Banksia
Fern fronds Eriostemon Banksia bark
Ixodia Scolopia Unlabelled Plant
Fish Fossils Dish of radio telescope Cave Wall
Rock beside a waterfall Mangroves at high tide Sun on shallow water
Muddy path with footprints Young tree, old sandstone Mud
Sandstone Autumn leaves Weathered Sandstone
Lichen on sandstone Distorted Sandstone Lichen on sandstone
Salad for  Christmas in summer Paperbarks Paperbark Bole
Water lilies Euphorbia, I am told Heather
Strata Mount Tomah Daisies Diosma
Canberra daisies Complex surface pattern on a dry dune Violas
Mango Orchard On the edge of a lake Banana plantation
Strzelecki Creek bed Pond pattern Toon tree pattern
In a suburban garden Tide coming in over the mangroves Boronia
Shells Beach pattern Sand patterns, Mollymook beach
Maple in Frances's garden Autumn in the Sky Winter Maple
Feather detail Tools in a shed Closed on Mondays
Peach and plum Limes, pomegranates and peaches Four Fruits
Viola hederacea Bali bamboo Palm
Lichen on rocks Mainly reeds, but look for the python On a Banksia trunk
Water flowing in a shallow sandy creek Willow leaves Warm Sandstone
Spuds at a picnic Flies on a blue shirt Modern porcelain sculpture in conference
Sandstone Entropy hides the tin opener Wall of Seaton's shed
Clover in my lawn Echidna's back Gorse
Shell Detail The colour of wattle in September For sale to tourists
Viola hederacea Unidentified red berries Begonias
Shells on a beach Pegs Shells on a beach - 2
Conifer Smooth-barked apple Scribbly gum