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Ernst Boerschmann's Pictures of China

These pictures are copied from "Picturesque China - Architecture and Landscape - A Journey through Twelve Provinces"
by Ernst Boerschmann, published 1923, I think. I know PBase is meant for original work, but Boerschmann's work will
be interesting to some people, and possibly hard to find in other places. Google for "Boerschmann China" for more info.

Click on one of the small images below to see some of the pictures taken by Boerschmann in that province.
The numbers in the titles are the original page numbers, and the titles, captions and locations are those
given by Boerschmann. I have preserved his way of spelling Chinese and his sometimes quaint English.

2018 note: Having become more fussy in my old age, and better with GIMP, and having more
spare time, I have gone through these pictures one at a time and made them look better.

For for my own pictures taken in China in 2003, look at:
Chihli province (50 pictures)
Chihli province (50 pictures)
Shantung province (17 pictures)
Shantung province (17 pictures)
Shansi province (26 pictures)
Shansi province (26 pictures)
Shensi province (17 pictures)
Shensi province (17 pictures)
Szechúan province (76 pictures)
Szechúan province (76 pictures)
Hupei province (4 pictures)
Hupei province (4 pictures)
Hunan province (17 pictures)
Hunan province (17 pictures)
Kuangsi province (16 pictures)
Kuangsi province (16 pictures)
Kuangtung province (18 pictures)
Kuangtung province (18 pictures)
Fukien province (12 pictures)
Fukien province (12 pictures)
Kiangsu province (3 pictures)
Kiangsu province (3 pictures)
Chekiang province (31 pictures)
Chekiang province (31 pictures)