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Updating an Image
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You can use the update image page to edit information about your image and manage its location.

Use the next and previous links to easily move to other images in a gallery or roll.
You can copy an image to another gallery using the update image page.
Just edit the image.
Select the "Destination gallery" from the dropdown list.
Click the "Add to Gallery" button.
The image will now show up inside of the selected destination gallery as well as any others it has been copied to.

If an image has a title, it will be displayed below the image on the image page and may be displayed below the thumbnail on the gallery page if you so choose.
The image title is also indexed for the PBase Search.

Use the image caption to give more details about what is happening in the photo.
If you enter a caption, it will be displayed below the image on the image page. You have the option of displaying the caption with the image thumbnail in the gallery page.
The image caption is

You can specify the image artist for your images.
This information will be displayed at the bottom right of the image on the image page.

Use the image location field to specify where the image was taken. You can be as specific or as general as you like.
The location will be displayed below the image on the image page.
Image location information is indexed by the PBase Search.

Use the image shot date field to record when the image was taken. You may enter as much or as little detail as you like. ex. "23-Feb-1987" and "around 1950" are both valid values.
The image shot date will be displayed at the bottom left of the image on the image page.

You can specify the camera, lens, and film used to take a photo. You can either select a value from the dropdown list or enter a value manually.
The camera, lens, and film information is listed below the image on the image page.
Once you set this information for an image, it will sometimes appear as a sample photo for that camera, lens, or film in the PBase Camera Database.

You can use the tech notes to give additional information about how the photograph was made. For example, you can specify exposure settings, lighting, camera support, etc.

The main purpose of entering keywords for an image is to make sure it shows up in the PBase Search. Keywords also go into the keyword meta tags, used by many search engines.
You may want to give an image a title that does not convey what is in the image, but use the keywords to specify the image contents.

You can rotate images that are already on PBase using the update image page. Just edit the image. Scroll down to the "Rotate Image" section. Select "Clockwise" or "Counter Clockwise" from the list. Click the "Rotate Image" button. This will rotate the image 90 degrees in the direction that you specified. To rotate an image 180 degrees (or turn it upside down), you will need to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise twice. The image may lose sharpness as you rotate. It may be best to rotate images... (more)

With the Aritst Screen, you can select signature graphics to correspond to certain artists. Instead of the name of the artist under the image, you can choose a graphic (jpg or gif). To choose the graphic, first upload it to one of your galleries and note its image ID. You will see the image ID in the URL of an image, for example: where 5929 is the image ID. Now go to the Artist Screen and create a New Artist by entering the Artist's name (case sensitive) and the image ID... (more)

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