- A non public image is an image that is not visible in your gallery. Only the image owner can view the image when logged in to his account.
- If an image lives in a subgallery of a non-public gallery, but the subgallery is not non-public, then the image itself is public and can appear in the random images on the profile page. You can easily check which of your galleries are public/non-public and which are password-protected by going to your root gallery and clicking the "tree view" link at the top right of the page. This will list all of your galleries, marking non-public ones with [non-public] and password-protected ones with [locked].... (more)
- Yes. A non-public image can be in a public gallery. When editing an image, you can decide whether an image is public by checking or unchecking the box next to "this image is publicly viewable". Even in a public gallery, if you uncheck this box, the image itself will be non-public and will only show up to the image owner.