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Help Topics
How do I upload more than one image at a time?
The easiest way to upload a bunch of images is to combine a batch of images into one file and upload just the single file.

PBase can deal with ZIP and TAR files. Some people ask about GZIP, which is not handled. The purpose of ZIP or TAR in this case is not for compression. JPEG files already use a very good compression algorithm designed for photographs. ZIP or GZIP will not decrease the size of the files at all.

When editing your gallery, you can also click the "upload" tab. This will take you to a page where you can browse your PC for multiple files and upload the images all at once.

You can also upload multiple images at once via your edit gallery page by clicking the upload tab. This feature allows you to browse your files, select the images you wish to upload, and upload the images all at once.

Direct Linking
Paying PBase customers can direct link to their own public images as long as they have direct linking enabled on the image's parent gallery. If you try to direct link to images that are non-public or password-protected, it will fail.

You can enable or disable direct linking for your whole account at the update account page.
You can enable or disable direct linking for a specific gallery in the advanced view of the edit gallery page.
If you disable direct linking, images that have already been linked to will still show up for a little while before they are updated. All other images are blocked from direct linking immediately.

Unfortunately there is no way to tell who is direct linking your images.
However, please note that even if you have a very large counter value for your direct links, it does not necessarily mean that someone has illegally linked to your image. It has been found that the direct link counter is incremented even if you just copy the full URL of your image and paste it on your browser and press enter.

To get the direct linking URL for an image, view the image and add .jpg or size.jpg to the end of the URL. This works just like linking to an image page but append .jpg to the end of the URL. example: number.jpg example: number/size.jpg Note: to direct link to a .gif, use the .jpg extension also. It will still send the gif file. You can also easily get the direct linking URL by viewing the edit image page and looking... (more)

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