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Yu-Lin Chan | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> From 1209 Queen Street East to 378 Queen Street West tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

From 1209 Queen Street East to 378 Queen Street West

Between 1209 Queen Street East, where I live, and 378 Queen Street West, where I work, is a diverse, rich, and interesting cul

Between 1209 Queen Street East, where I live, and 378 Queen Street West, where I work, is a diverse, rich, and interesting cultral and social segment of the City of Toronto. I have been through this section of the city almost every weekday, mostly on bike, and never gave it much thought until one day it occurred to me that I spent the last decade of my life in this area. So I started taking pictures of the more interesting buildings, landmarks and stores. These pictures are by no means artistic and they are just snap shots, and in no particular order. I add pictures and comments to each picture as I find more informtion about them. So check back once in a while for updates.

If you like Queen Street, please visit Jude’s Queen Street Gallery. She has many excellent photos of the west side of Queen street which I don’t have pictures of.

I would like to thank Andy Chiu for his ideas and suggestions on this project.



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City Hall at Night
City Hall at Night
Queen & Bay streets -- The Toronto City Hall
Queen & Bay streets -- The Toronto City Hall
Campbell House
Campbell House
Queen Street Bridge Over Don River
Queen Street Bridge Over Don River
Giant Compass
Giant Compass
Metropolitan United Church
Metropolitan United Church
Metropolitan United Church
Metropolitan United Church
Metropolitan United Church
Metropolitan United Church
Ralph Thornton Centre
Ralph Thornton Centre
Stuck Street Cars
Stuck Street Cars
The Condom Shack
The Condom Shack
423 Queen Street West -- Candy Store
423 Queen Street West -- Candy Store
The Fence of Osgoode Hall
The Fence of Osgoode Hall
Fence of Osgoode Hall
Fence of Osgoode Hall
Trees Over the Fence of Osgoode Hall
Trees Over the Fence of Osgoode Hall
Osgoode Hall Buildings
Osgoode Hall Buildings
Old Cars
Old Cars
Old Ford
Old Ford
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