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Yu-Lin Chan | all galleries >> Galleries >> From 1209 Queen Street East to 378 Queen Street West > Metropolitan United Church
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08-APR-2004 Yu-Lin Chan

Metropolitan United Church

Queen & Church

This is one of the largest churches in Toronto. Located at the north west corner of Queen & Church. A block from this location are modern high rises that are in stark contrast to this majestic, cathedral style building. The land where the church is located was purchased in 1868 and the church was dedicated in 1872. In 1925, fire destroy most of the church building but a redesigned, cathedral style architecture was rebuilt and dedicated in 1929. More details of the church history here:

The Metropolitan United Church is home to the largest organ in Canada. The organ has 8,233 pipes; the largest is 32 feet high, and the smallest is the size of a pencil. If you love music, be sure not to miss the many concerts held by the church. Check out their web site for up coming events:

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