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Yu-Lin Chan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fences > Trees Over the Fence of Osgoode Hall
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22-APR-2004 Yu-Lin Chan

Trees Over the Fence of Osgoode Hall

Osgoode Hall

I have always liked the fences around the Osgoode Hall buildings. They are beautifully crafted and well maintained. These fences go perfectly with the buildings they guard.

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Michel Carlué 17-Feb-2005 13:21
Wonderful pic in black and white !
Thank you
Guest 27-Apr-2004 03:35
Hitchcock anyone?
Guest 27-Apr-2004 03:32
wow beautiful Yu-Lin!
Yu-Lin Chan27-Apr-2004 03:13
Thank you for your kind words.
Dawn27-Apr-2004 03:10
Great picture!