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Dave Thomas | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Bakery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Bakery

The bread producing portion of "Dave's Bakery & Asylum." No — it's just a hobby — but fun.

There are views showing some of the "in process" activities, but there's not too much detail, as the primary goal is usually to get all that bread to an event put on by family, friends or an organization Ye Olde Baker/Photographer belongs to and he's usually under the gun time-wise. It has been possible to crank out as many as four different recipes by interleaving operations, as there is a lot of waiting in the process.

Two sub-galleries show some intermediate steps.

There are a few recipes out on Ye Olde Baker's website.

Honest Pumpernickel
:: Honest Pumpernickel ::
Ciabatta and Similar Sourdoughs
:: Ciabatta and Similar Sourdoughs ::
Mini-Quiche Crust
Mini-Quiche Crust
Into a Muffin Pan
Into a Muffin Pan
The Result
The Result
Christmas Farm Loaf
Christmas Farm Loaf
Farm Loaf Cut
Farm Loaf Cut
"English" Muffin
"English" Muffin
Inside View
Inside View
Onion & Bacon Tart
Onion & Bacon Tart
Valentine Crackers
Valentine Crackers
Mini Quiche
Mini Quiche
A loaf, a jug ...
A loaf, a jug ...
Belted Galloways in Winter
Belted Galloways in Winter
"What is it?"
"What is it?"
The Parts
The Parts
In Service
In Service
Eostre Challah
Eostre "Challah"
Rye Loaf Nbr. 01
Rye Loaf Nbr. 01
Rye Loaf #01 - Cut
Rye Loaf #01 - Cut
Slice Scan: Target vs Loaf 01
Slice Scan: Target vs Loaf 01
Slice Scan: Loaf #2
Slice Scan: Loaf #2
Schinkenbrot #3
Schinkenbrot #3
Slice Scan - Schinkenbrot #3
Slice Scan - Schinkenbrot #3
Prosciutto-Parmesan Sourdough
Prosciutto-Parmesan Sourdough
Be My Valentine!
Be My Valentine!
Christmas Baking Sample
Christmas Baking Sample
Whole Wheat Buckwheat
Whole Wheat Buckwheat
Cinnamon Roll - Half Rolled
Cinnamon Roll - Half Rolled
Halfway Frosted
Halfway Frosted
Cinnamon Rolls Ready
Cinnamon Rolls Ready
Whole Wheat
Whole Wheat
Rye Sponge - 8:30 AM
Rye Sponge - 8:30 AM
White SD Sponge - 8:30 AM
White SD Sponge - 8:30 AM
Rye Sourdough after Knead 9:20 AM
Rye Sourdough after Knead 9:20 AM
Rye Ready for Shaping - 10:15 AM
Rye Ready for Shaping - 10:15 AM
Rye in the Oven - 11:45 AM
Rye in the Oven - 11:45 AM
Early Afternoon - 1:20 PM
Early Afternoon - 1:20 PM
Finished - 4 PM
Finished - 4 PM
Valentine's Day Soda Bread
Valentine's Day Soda Bread
CMS Bake Sale Bread
CMS Bake Sale Bread
For an Easter Gathering
For an Easter Gathering
Ready for Christmas
Ready for Christmas
Traditional Cookies
Traditional Cookies
Another family favorite
Another family favorite
Butter Pull-Aparts - Assembly
Butter Pull-Aparts - Assembly
Butter Pull-Apart Rolls
Butter Pull-Apart Rolls
Dave's Butter Rolls
Dave's Butter Rolls