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Metro and trams - Metro ve tramvay

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In Istanbul there are different names for the several means of transport on rails. I here use one term for them all. I remember the first time I could travel from the airport to Aksaray station, what a joy. But the system is growing at a fast rate, and is projected to grow much, much larger than the current one. During a 2014 visit I used the system a lot, and took some pictures at a number of stations and in some cases the streets nearby.
There were two major developments: a bridge across the Golden Horn now shortens travel time from the southern part of town to the northern one (both on the European side), and a tunnel now connects Europe and Asia, in about four minutes you make that “crossing” on what’s called Marmaray.
One is working hard on connections from the new airport to the heart of town. In 2023 I saw impressive new lines, but that connection is not yet ready.

I intend to add some pictures from earlier visits. I tried identifying the location, in some cases I don’t remember (and gps does not work underground). So I also show some of the (often amazing) tiles panels and similar ornamentation of the stations.
Taksim station
Taksim station
Kabataş-Taksim funicular
Kabataş-Taksim funicular
Haliç stop
Haliç stop
Şişhane stop
Şişhane stop
Sirkeci stop
Sirkeci stop
Istanbul pictures - Sirkeci station
Istanbul pictures - Sirkeci station
Levent stop
Levent stop
Yeni Kapı
Yeni Kapı
Old line
Old line
Topkapı Stop
Topkapı Stop
Başakşehir stop
Başakşehir stop
Bağcılar-Kirazlı (M1B) stop
Bağcılar-Kirazlı (M1B) stop
Istanbul december 2012 6353.jpg
Istanbul december 2012 6353.jpg
Istanbul some random shots May 2014 6241.jpg
Istanbul some random shots May 2014 6241.jpg
Istanbul Vatan station 4210.jpg
Istanbul Vatan station 4210.jpg
Istanbul Vatan station 4211.jpg
Istanbul Vatan station 4211.jpg