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Cisterns - Sarnıçlar

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Cisterns are reservoirs for holding water for thirsty cities. Istanbul has several, some open-air ones, like the Asparne cistern near the Yavuz Selim mosque where there used to be a place for cattle trade and now sports facilities for the surrounding neighbourhood (very nice place by the way). But also a number of covered ones, the most famous being the Yerebatan sarnıcı. I must have pictures of the Asparne cistern somewhere, once I find them I will include them here, in the mean time I only show these cisterns. The last one is not open for visitors, but can be seen from the side, most impressive.
Yerebatan sarnıcı, Basilica Cistern
Yerebatan sarnıcı, Basilica Cistern
Sultan Sarnıcı, Sultan’s cistern
Sultan Sarnıcı, Sultan’s cistern
Binbirderek or 1001 Column Cistern
Binbirderek or 1001 Column Cistern
Zeyrek Cisterns
Zeyrek Cisterns
Mocius Cistern
Mocius Cistern
Istanbul some random shots May 2014 6783.jpg
Istanbul some random shots May 2014 6783.jpg
Aspar cistern
Aspar cistern