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Universities - üniversiteler

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Istanbul has several universities. One of them had always taken my fancy because of its fine architecture at the entrance, and because of the glimpses of its park. It’s right in the heart of the old town, opposite the Beyazit mosque. It’s the Istanbul University. It turned out to be a fine complex, with some marvelous views on the Süleymaniye mosque as a bonus (most of them I transferred to the special gallery for that mosque).

Another one was recommended for viewing by Melek Emir who wrote most of the Turkish texts on this site. She suggested we’d go and visit it – the Bogaziçi Üniversitesi (Bosphorus University). This was a totally different concept, it made me think of American campus-style universities (which I only know from movies). Similar to the Istanbul University a bonus were the fine views of the Bosporus, which on this occasion I kept as an essential ingredient of the university.

I hope to visit some more universities in the future, for the time being I present just these two.
Istanbul University
Istanbul University
Bosporus University or Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Bosporus University or Boğaziçi Üniversitesi