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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Istanbul >> Palaces - Saraylar tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Regions - Bölgeler | Mosques - Camiler | Medreses - Medreseler | Mausolea - Türbeler | Churches - Kiliseler | Museums - Müzeler | Hans - Hanlar | Palaces - Saraylar | Fortresses - Hisarlar | Cisterns - Sarnıçlar | Bridges - Köprüler | Shopping malls - Alışveriş merkeziler | Universities - üniversiteler | Boat rides - Vapur gezileri | Walls - Duvarlar | Metro and trams - Metro ve tramvay | Istanbul Aquarium | Modern miniatures | Columns - Sütunlar | Kids and cats – Çoçuklar ve Kediler | Street workers | Shops, shopwindows, advertising - dukkanlar reklamlar | Iftar 2015 (some 2018) | Istanbul Bienali 2017 2019

Palaces - Saraylar

As I am reorganizing I group pictures of a number of palaces here.

Note that you can link from one to the next clicking on their names above.

Though it started life as a palace (complex) I put Topkapı under Istanbul Museums.
Istanbul Dolmabahçe palace
Istanbul Dolmabahçe palace
The Küçüksu Palace or Küçüksu Pavilion
The Küçüksu Palace or Küçüksu Pavilion
Yıldız Palace and its park
Yıldız Palace and its park
The Beylerbeyi Palace or Beylerbeyi Sarayı
The Beylerbeyi Palace or Beylerbeyi Sarayı
Tekfur Saray
Tekfur Saray
Boukoleon Palace
Boukoleon Palace
Çırağan Palace
Çırağan Palace