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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Istanbul >> Shopping malls - Alışveriş merkeziler tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Regions - Bölgeler | Mosques - Camiler | Medreses - Medreseler | Mausolea - Türbeler | Churches - Kiliseler | Museums - Müzeler | Hans - Hanlar | Palaces - Saraylar | Fortresses - Hisarlar | Cisterns - Sarnıçlar | Bridges - Köprüler | Shopping malls - Alışveriş merkeziler | Universities - üniversiteler | Boat rides - Vapur gezileri | Walls - Duvarlar | Metro and trams - Metro ve tramvay | Istanbul Aquarium | Modern miniatures | Columns - Sütunlar | Kids and cats – Çoçuklar ve Kediler | Street workers | Shops, shopwindows, advertising - dukkanlar reklamlar | Iftar 2015 (some 2018) | Istanbul Bienali 2017 2019

Shopping malls - Alışveriş merkeziler

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By now I have visited many shopping malls (alış veriş merkeziler), some of them shabby, some of them state of the art. The first of the latter category was the Armada building in Ankara. I showed similar centres from Diyarbakir and Bursa, and some other smaller ones all over the country.

Please inform me if you know a good one.
Cevahir mall at Şişli
Cevahir mall at Şişli
Akmerkez shopping mall
Akmerkez shopping mall
Kanyon Shopping Mall
Kanyon Shopping Mall
Akasya complex
Akasya complex
Capitol shopping mall
Capitol shopping mall
Sapphire Building
Sapphire Building
Axis shopping mall
Axis shopping mall