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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Istanbul >> Bridges - Köprüler tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Bridges - Köprüler

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A couple of big bridges cross the Bosporus, of which I have few pictures, and some the Golden Horn, the Galata being the most famous. I here group what I have, addition can be expected.
Galata Köprüsü
Galata Köprüsü
Atatürk Köprüsü
Atatürk Köprüsü
First Bosporus Bridge -Boğazıcı Köprüsü
First Bosporus Bridge -Boğazıcı Köprüsü
2nd Bosporus Bridge - Fatih Sultan Mehmet Köprüsü
2nd Bosporus Bridge - Fatih Sultan Mehmet Köprüsü