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Mosaics museum

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Wikipedia says about this museum, located behind the Blue Mosque: "The museum hosts the mosaics used to decorate the pavement of a peristyle court, dating possibly to the reign of Byzantine emperor Justinian I (r. 527-565). It was uncovered by British archaeologists from the University of St Andrews in Scotland during extensive excavations at the Arasta Bazaar in Sultan Ahmet Square in 1935-1938 and 1951-1954. The area formed part of the south-western Great Palace, and the excavations discovered a large peristyle courtyard, with a surface of 1872 m², entirely decorated with mosaics. It was at this point that the Austrian Academy of Sciences, supervised by Prof. Dr. Werner Jobst, undertook to study and preserve the famous palace mosaic and to carry out additional archeological examinations (1983-1997) within the scope of a cooperative project with the Directorate General of Monuments and Museum"

I forgot about 2003 pictures that I had, until I found them in 2015 and posted them. Then in 2016, with a much better camera, I paid the museum another visit and took many more. I also bought the catalogue that is not only excellent, but set a norm for the colours and saturation that I could not match in many cases. I claim factors involved are: I had to take pictures from a platform around the mosaics (with foreshortening sometimes very pronounced), which had probably got dirty, whereas the catalogue pictures were probably taken from an ideal position shortly after the mosaics had been cleaned. Then there was artificial light in different colours, and an overcast sky. I did my best, but some of my pictures look mediocre to say the least. On the other hand: you can inspect say 95% of the mosaics on my site, maybe a bit more. And: even in the catalogue colours are not always rendered equally. I would be busy for a quarter of an hour to get the colour in a detail "correct", and then find the colour in a complete scene differed a lot.

I have large collections of Roman mosaics at (this one included) at: Gaziantep Zeugma Museum; Istanbul mosaics museum; Mosaics in the Casale Villa in Sicily; Adana mosaics; Antakya Museum gallery, Haleplibahçe Mosaics Museum in Urfa.

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Sector A
Lone mosaics
Lone mosaics
Istanbul Mosaic Museum march 2017 2549.jpg
Istanbul Mosaic Museum march 2017 2549.jpg