From NW Charlie:
I offer the topic suggestion, “I Am Proud of. . . .”
The concept is to show us what is most important to you, what you like most about your life, your job, your people, whatever. It is a step beyond the previous “self portrait” challenges, in that we don’t need to see you to see who you are.
Post a photo of your kids, your college, your city skyline, your country’s flag waiving in the air, a man or woman in a military, police, or fire fighter’s uniform, your collection of old GI Joe action figures, your garden, your 12-string ovation guitar (that would be for me), your mother’s final resting place (regrettably that would be too far away for me to do in the time available), the business you built with your own sweat and laughter, the fly rod your dad bought before you were born and left you in his will (another one for me), your partner-for-life, your church, your sports trophy, your birthplace, your old family home, your pet rock. Let us know something new about yourself, by showing us what it is in which you take pride.