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Craig Kirk | profile | all galleries >> TRAVEL GALLERY'S >> OUR TRIP TO SCOTLAND 9/18/2003 TO 9/30/2003 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

OUR TRIP TO SCOTLAND 9/18/2003 TO 9/30/2003

DAY 1 THRU DAY 2  Edinburgh to Stirling
DAY 1 THRU DAY 2 Edinburgh to Stirling
DAY 3  Stirling to Glengarry
DAY 3 Stirling to Glengarry
DAY4 THRU DAY5  Glengarry to Portree, Isle of Skye
DAY4 THRU DAY5 Glengarry to Portree, Isle of Skye
DAY 6  Portree, Isle of Skye to Drumnadronchit (Loch Ness)
DAY 6 Portree, Isle of Skye to Drumnadronchit (Loch Ness)
DAY7  Drumnadronchit, Scotland to Lossiemouth, Scotland
DAY7 Drumnadronchit, Scotland to Lossiemouth, Scotland
DAY8  Lossiemouth to Saint Fillians
DAY8 Lossiemouth to Saint Fillians
DAY 9  Saint Fillians to Kirriemuir
DAY 9 Saint Fillians to Kirriemuir
DAY 10  Kirriemuir, Scotland to Anstruther, Scotland
DAY 10 Kirriemuir, Scotland to Anstruther, Scotland
DAY 11 TO DAY 13   Edinburgh, Scotland
DAY 11 TO DAY 13 Edinburgh, Scotland