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Clive Moss | profile | all galleries >> Travel Pics >> Eastern Europe - July 2004 >> Remembrance - Lithuania >> Sunday - Vilnius Environs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Thursday/Friday -- Joining the Group in Vilnius | Saturday - Vilnius City Center | Sunday - Vilnius Environs | Monday - Vilnius to Kaunas | Monday - Kaunas - Ninth Fort | Monday - Kaunas City | Monday - Panevezys | Tuesday - Kupiskis | Wednesday - Last Day in Vilnius

Sunday - Vilnius Environs

On Sunday, we loaded ourselves on the bus to see the sights surrounding Vilnius. The day was an exhausting roller coaster of emotional lows and highs. We visited the Vilnius Jewish Museum, the killing pits of Paneriai, the resort of Trakai, and met with two sisters, one of whom actually remembered Hilda's grandparents.
Jewish Museum and Cemetery
< Jewish Museum and Cemetery >
Paneriai (Ponar)
< Paneriai (Ponar) >
< Trakai >
Living Memories
< Living Memories >
< People >