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Clive Moss | profile | all galleries >> Travel Pics >> Eastern Europe - July 2004 >> Remembrance - Lithuania >> Monday - Kaunas - Ninth Fort tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Thursday/Friday -- Joining the Group in Vilnius | Saturday - Vilnius City Center | Sunday - Vilnius Environs | Monday - Vilnius to Kaunas | Monday - Kaunas - Ninth Fort | Monday - Kaunas City | Monday - Panevezys | Tuesday - Kupiskis | Wednesday - Last Day in Vilnius

Monday - Kaunas - Ninth Fort

We visited the Ninth Fort of Kaunas, and its Museum. It is described at

The Museum includes an account of how several Jewish prisoners escaped. The escape is documented at

u37/chmoss/medium/32115605.2.9thFort2004071203.26.57DSC_4429webbed.jpg An entrance to the fort
An entrance to the fort
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Inmates' writings on the wall
Inmates' writings on the wall
u38/chmoss/medium/32115608.2.9thFort2004071204.41.27DSC_4452webbed.jpg u38/chmoss/medium/32115612.2.9thFort2004071205.08.39DSC_4464webbed.jpg People were shot in the pits
People were shot in the pits
The Soviets erected an impressive and moving monument
The Soviets erected an impressive and moving monument
u38/chmoss/medium/32115618.2.9thFort2004071205.32.26DSC_4482webbed.jpg A modern development encroaches on the Fort
A modern development encroaches on the Fort