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Clive Moss | profile | all galleries >> Travel Pics >> Eastern Europe - July 2004 >> Remembrance - Lithuania >> Monday - Kaunas City tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Thursday/Friday -- Joining the Group in Vilnius | Saturday - Vilnius City Center | Sunday - Vilnius Environs | Monday - Vilnius to Kaunas | Monday - Kaunas - Ninth Fort | Monday - Kaunas City | Monday - Panevezys | Tuesday - Kupiskis | Wednesday - Last Day in Vilnius

Monday - Kaunas City

Kaunas (Kovno)
We lunched here
We lunched here
Inside the Kovno Synagogue
Inside the Kovno Synagogue
u38/chmoss/medium/32115676.3.Kovno2004071208.34.08DSC_4520webbed.jpg u37/chmoss/medium/32115679.3.Kovno2004071208.36.15DSC_4525webbed.jpg Downtown Kaunas
Downtown Kaunas
Storks on the road to Panevezys
Storks on the road to Panevezys
We bought strawberries...
We bought strawberries...
...from a roadside vendor
...from a roadside vendor