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Cathryn | profile | all galleries >> Sri Lanka and Malaysia 2011-12 >> 6 Sigiriya tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

1 Kuala Lumpur | 2 Penang | 3 Colombo | 4 Kandy | 5 Matale | 6 Sigiriya | 7 Dambulla | 8 Kandalama | 9 Trincomalee | 10 Galle | 11 Matara | Riding the Rails

6 Sigiriya

Photos of a couple of days at Sigiriya in December 2011.
With the help of Royce Travels (the travel desk at Queen's Hotel), Kandy, I drove from Kandy to Sigiriya at a leisurely pace. En route I visited Nalanda Gedige, a recently restored temple with both Buddhist and Hindu images as well as some erotic sculpture.
I stayed at Sigiriya Rest House. On my first afternoon I went for a long walk to visit two smart hotels in the jungle and on return was offered an elephant ride, which I accepted despite being unprepared for it, wearing a skirt rather than pants. Never ride an elephant while wearing a skirt. Otherwise it was a remarkable experience, although nerve wracking. There was no saddle, bridle or stirrups, only a rope around the animal's neck, and I felt as if I would fall off despite the animal being docile.
Next morning I climbed Sigiriya rock, a remarkable experience and warmly recommended, although it is a very strenous climb. The rock art alone is well worth the effort, and reaching the summit provides a great feeling of achievement as well as wonderful views of the surrounding countryside.
Before the climb, when I set off from the rest house I turned in the wrong direction and walked a long way before realizing my mistake. However, while walking I did see a juvenile elephant wallowing languidly in a creek just below the road and spraying water over itself at intervals. Had I not been in the wrong place, I would have missed this delightful spectacle.
Roadside stall between Kandy and Sigiriya
Roadside stall between Kandy and Sigiriya
House beside road
House beside road
View near Nalanda temple
View near Nalanda temple
Entrance to Nalanda Gedige (ancient temple)
Entrance to Nalanda Gedige (ancient temple)
Nalanda Gedige
Nalanda Gedige
Erotic sculpture, Nalanda
Erotic sculpture, Nalanda
The stupa mimics the shape of the leaf
The stupa mimics the shape of the leaf
Sigiriya Rest House
Sigiriya Rest House
View of rock
View of rock
Pretty house, Sigiriya village
Pretty house, Sigiriya village
Rock seen from village
Rock seen from village
Elephant and mahout
Elephant and mahout
Riding through the jungle
Riding through the jungle
Clinging on
Clinging on
Elephant wallowing in creek
Elephant wallowing in creek
Elephant spraying itself from trunk
Elephant spraying itself from trunk
Water garden on approach to Sigiriya rock
Water garden on approach to Sigiriya rock
Approach to Sigiriya rock
Approach to Sigiriya rock
Approach to Sigiriya rock
Approach to Sigiriya rock
Rock art, Sigiriya rock
Rock art, Sigiriya rock
Rock art, Sigiriya rock
Rock art, Sigiriya rock
Rock art, Sigiriya rock
Rock art, Sigiriya rock
Lion's paws, Sigiriya rock
Lion's paws, Sigiriya rock
Stairs from last major stage before summit
Stairs from last major stage before summit
Rock face
Rock face
Resting before final effort
Resting before final effort
Weary couple
Weary couple
Ruins just below summit
Ruins just below summit
View from summit
View from summit
At the top
At the top