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Wandering Salisbury Plain and other South Georgia Island Hotspots

The shore line at Salisbury Plain is a black sandy and pebble beach with a slight slope and is often challenging to land as there are constant swells and small breakers. Beyond the beach is large relatively flat plain out to the tussock slopes that lead up to the mountains and the several glaciers that lead down to the Plain. The only issue is to avoid the Fur Seals that dot the landscape holding court to their claimed territory. We were chased several times as we inadvertently invaded their space. The Plain was combination of mud, water, creeks, short grasses and mosses. While the King Penguins were everywhere their main rookery was at the base of the tussock slopes. We were here in the breeding season and the King Penguins number between 70,000 and 100,000 pairs. It’s an incredible sight along with the sounds of them calling each other not to mention the smell. In addition to the adult King Penguins there were many thousands of 9 month old chicks called Okum Boys. Scattered across the beach we also came across giant southern Elephant Seals who were defending their harems and finishing up their mating season.

Drygalski Fjord in the far south eastern corner of South Georgia Island is a beautiful classic Fjord with a narrow waterway surrounded by tall steep cliff walls. We crusied deep into the fjord which dead ends at Risting Glacier the largest coastal glacier in South Georgia. While taking some photos of the glacier and the many seabirds flying about there was a deep rumble as a “Shooter” emerged from the sea. A "Shooter" (at least in Antarctica) is the calving of a Glacier from under the sea, creating an iceberg that lunges to the surface like a giant cork spreading ice chunks everywhere and creating a wave.

Just north of Drygalski Fjord is Cooper Bay a unique spot where four species of Penguins breed; King, Gentoo, Macaroni and Chinstraps. In addition to the Fur Seals and Elephant Seals Cooper Bay has a lot of Blue Eyed Shags, Giant Petrels, Antarctic Terns and other seabirds.

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Drygalski Fjord Glacier,  1
Drygalski Fjord Glacier, 1
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain  2
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain 2
Elephant Seal,  Cooper Harbor  2
Elephant Seal, Cooper Harbor 2
Killer Whales  4
Killer Whales 4
Antarctic Tern  3
Antarctic Tern 3
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain   17
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain 17
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain  1
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain 1
King Penguins,  Salisbury Plain  3
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain 3
Elephant Seal, Copper Bay  2
Elephant Seal, Copper Bay 2
Killer Whales 3
Killer Whales 3
King Penguin,  Salisbury Plains  4
King Penguin, Salisbury Plains 4
Ice Berg  Alley 1
Ice Berg Alley 1
Zodiac, Cooper Harbor
Zodiac, Cooper Harbor
Killer Whales 1
Killer Whales 1
Big Seas in Southern Ocean 1
Big Seas in Southern Ocean 1
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain  21
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain 21
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain  19
King Penguins, Salisbury Plain 19
Antarctic Tern, Copper Bay  1
Antarctic Tern, Copper Bay 1
Blue Eyed Shag, Copper Bay  2
Blue Eyed Shag, Copper Bay 2
Elephant Seal, Copper Bay  2
Elephant Seal, Copper Bay 2
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