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Antarctica, South Georgia & the Falklands Islands

Our most recent photo expedition was to Antarctica, the Falklands and South Georgia Island. Our journey began at the wildlife and history rich Falkland Islands about 400 miles east of Ushuaia, Argentina the southernmost city on earth. Next we traveled another 700 miles south east to the Antarctic waters of South Georgia Island with its enormous concentrations of wildlife. The last leg of our journey took us across the treacherous and unpredictable Drakes Passage to the Great White Continent and land of ice, Antarctica.
In mid October 2008 we headed out on the ice class expedition ship "National Geographic Endeavour" for a photo expedition to the bottom of the earth. Our experience was one that neither words nor photos could adequately convey. We found ourselves among vast seas of ice bergs, pancake ice and pack ice. We gazed nearly straight up in awe at the rugged ice and snow capped peaks looming above us. We sat on a beach just watching and listening in amazement .to the activities of 100,000 pairs of penguins. We dodged attacking Fur Seals and ran from lurching 8,000 pound elephant seals. We were sometimes overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells that seemed everywhere we looked. Lastly we took a polar plunge into the 29 degree water just for fun.

Check out our New Children's Book "Animal ABCs" at:

Images are available for purchase or for usage rights contact: Bill Klipp;
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