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Winter 2024 / 2025 | Winter | Autumn | Summer | Spring | In Box | Northern Germany | Rheinland Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) | Hessen (Hesse) | Baden-Württemberg | Bayern (Bavaria) Germany | Rhine River | Moselle River | Castles, Palaces, Fortresses, and Ruins | Chapels, Churches, Cathedrals, and Abbeys | Alsace, France | Metz, France | Austria /Österreich | Northern Italy | Brussels 2010 (U2 Concert) | Berlin | Potsdam | Braunschweig/Brunswick, Germany | Goslar, Germany | Hamelin, Germany | Dresden - Germany | Meissen, Germany | Erfurt, Germany | Eisenach, Germany | Day Trips | Black and White/Noir et Blanc | Holidays | Animal Kingdom | European White Stork | Garden Visitors (and birds in the local area) | Butterflies and Moths | Insects, Beetles, and other Crawling Critters | Dragonflies & Damselflies | Flowers 2017 | Flowers 2016 | Wildflowers and Herbs | Impressions | Unposed and Unplanned | This and That | Photographers (Friends and Passers-by) | Live Events | Faces | Photokina 2014 | Wheels | Market Shots

Live Events

Tom Jones
Tom Jones
Tom Jones in Concert
Tom Jones in Concert
U2 Live in Concert
U2 Live in Concert
U2 Performing Acrobat
U2 Performing Acrobat
U2 Bullet the Blue Sky
U2 Bullet the Blue Sky
David Gilmour and Band  - Rattle the Lock Tour 2016
David Gilmour and Band - Rattle the Lock Tour 2016
David Gilmour and Band  - Rattle the Lock Tour 2016
David Gilmour and Band - Rattle the Lock Tour 2016
David Gilmour and Band  - Rattle the Lock Tour 2016
David Gilmour and Band - Rattle the Lock Tour 2016
Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop
U2 Concert
U2 Concert
The Rolling Stones - Open Air
The Rolling Stones - Open Air
The Stones - Open Air
The Stones - Open Air
Rolling Stones
Rolling Stones
Aerosmith in Concert
Aerosmith in Concert
CSN        Crosby Stills Nash
CSN Crosby Stills Nash
     CSN   Crosby, Stills, the Nash
CSN Crosby, Stills, the Nash
Eric Clapton
Eric Clapton
Eric Clapton
Eric Clapton
Eric Clapton
Eric Clapton
Eric Clapton
Eric Clapton
Billy Idol
Billy Idol
Billy Idol
Billy Idol
Katie Melua
Katie Melua
Katie Melue
Katie Melue
Katie Melua
Katie Melua
Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney
Paul Young and Band
Paul Young and Band
Paul Young
Paul Young
Jaimie Faulkner
Jaimie Faulkner
George Michael
George Michael
George Michael
George Michael
Sting and the Bochum Symphonic Orchestra
Sting and the Bochum Symphonic Orchestra
Sting and the Bochum Symphonic Orchestra
Sting and the Bochum Symphonic Orchestra
Neil Diamond
Neil Diamond
The Wall
The Wall
Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits)
Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits)
Billy Joel
Billy Joel
Uriah Heep
Uriah Heep
Lionel Richie
Lionel Richie
Joan Baez
Joan Baez
Joan Baez
Joan Baez
The Who
The Who
Jan Gabarek
Jan Gabarek
Rod Stewart
Rod Stewart
Neil Young
Neil Young
 Paul Simon
Paul Simon
Deep Purple
Deep Purple
The Eagles
The Eagles
Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen
Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker
Boy George
Boy George
Orchestra Il Novecento
Orchestra Il Novecento
Olympic Stadion Filling Up
Olympic Stadion Filling Up
U2 -  360 Concert
U2 - 360 Concert
U2 360 Concert Bono
U2 360 Concert Bono
U2 Concert
U2 Concert
U2 Concert
U2 Concert
 U2 Concert
U2 Concert
U2 Concert
U2 Concert
U2 Concert
U2 Concert