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Summer 2024 | Summer | Spring | Winter | Autumn | In Box | Northern Germany | Rheinland Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) | Hessen (Hesse) | Baden-Württemberg | Bayern (Bavaria) Germany | Rhine River | Moselle River | Castles, Palaces, Fortresses, and Ruins | Chapels, Churches, Cathedrals, and Abbeys | Alsace, France | Metz, France | Austria /Österreich | Northern Italy | Brussels 2010 (U2 Concert) | Berlin | Potsdam | Braunschweig/Brunswick, Germany | Goslar, Germany | Hamelin, Germany | Dresden - Germany | Meissen, Germany | Erfurt, Germany | Eisenach, Germany | Day Trips | Black and White/Noir et Blanc | Holidays | Animal Kingdom | European White Stork | Garden Visitors (and birds in the local area) | Butterflies and Moths | Insects, Beetles, and other Crawling Critters | Dragonflies & Damselflies | Flowers 2017 | Flowers 2016 | Wildflowers and Herbs | Impressions | Unposed and Unplanned | This and That | Photographers (Friends and Passers-by) | Live Events | Faces | Photokina 2014 | Wheels | Market Shots

Photographers (Friends and Passers-by)

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Looking for Ants January Daffodils Tourists in Colmar
g10/80/968480/2/166738392.XiAfBlsE.jpg Emely's Eyes Mirrored Selfi
Umbrella Philip shooting St Goar Two Famous Photographers from Down Under
September Wedding Rush Hour Model Shoot on the Ferry Chimping at the Beach
 The cranes coming from There Niederwald Temple at Rüdesheim Visitors from Australia
Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks Meeting in Mainz Shooting in Fulda
Sam Rua and I Autumn Selfie Serious Photography
Nikon Man A Lonely Tourist Duck Shooting
Looking for U2 Memories of  Carnival At the Icy Cold Beach
Three Angels For A Closer Look Pack it in
Where are the Sheeps? Double Shot Double Salute
Long Flight.... Nothing to Do..... Hans Girls
o3/80/968480/1/138099820.VU4SbMPA.NewfolderSayCheese.jpg o3/80/968480/1/138099819.5aHbowzA.NewfolderPleasedontdropitinthewater.jpg Explorer Day
Sharp Shooter
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