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Tom Kenney | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Weekend At Pancho's tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Weekend At Pancho's

The Ninety-Nines is an organization of women pilots. My mother is an officer in the San Fernando Valley Chapter, located in Van Nuys, California. She managed to snag 3 'guest' invites to the Palmdale Conference so that my wife, my brother and I could attend 2 days of tours/briefings in the Palmdale/Mojave area, including a tour of Edwards AFB, Twin Buttes Antique Airstrip, Mojave Air and Space Port, and the SOFIA Airborne Infrared Telescope.


Pancho Barnes was a pioneering aviator, member of the Ninety-Nines, owner of the Happy Bottom Riding Club, and founder of the first movie stunt pilots' union. She has 'patron saint' status among the Ninety-Nines.
Edwards AFB Tour
gallery: Edwards AFB Tour
Twin Buttes Antique Airstrip
gallery: Twin Buttes Antique Airstrip
Mojave Air and Space Port
gallery: Mojave Air and Space Port
SOFIA Airborne Infrared Telescope
gallery: SOFIA Airborne Infrared Telescope