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The Aristocrats at Harlow's and Alva's

The Aristocrats play Harlow's in Sacramento on July 1st, 2019. This was the first 'official' date of the tour, but we got to see the 'installation lap' at Alva's in San Pedro on June 30th, and then the 2nd official show at Slim's in San Francisco on July 2nd.

All 3 were spectacular shows, and it was very cool to hear only 4 days' worth of evolution in their new material. Travis Larson Band was the opener, and they are also very very good....highly recommend!
Bryan Beller
Bryan Beller
Guthrie Govan
Guthrie Govan
Travis Larson Band
Travis Larson Band
Jennifer Young
Jennifer Young
Guthrie Govan
Guthrie Govan
The Aristocrats at Alva's
The Aristocrats at Alva's
Bryan Beller
Bryan Beller
The Aristocrats at Alva's
The Aristocrats at Alva's